Chapter 7: Keys and secrets

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"I'm the monster hiding under your bed."



The cold wind after rain came in through the bedroom window along with the rays of sunlight that were gradually appearing. It was a beautiful morning.

It was 8 A.M. when Vanysh finally decided to get out of her bed because of the sunlight that was in her face and the noise of the birds.

—Fuck, I cant have a moment of peace -she mumbled as she got up sleepily from the bed.

She didn't have a very good night of sleep again. Every time Vanysh closed her eyes and tried to take a nap, blurred and confused images appeared, just like the ones from her dreams.


After having breakfast, she went for a walk like she always does. In the middle of it, Richy called her.

—Good morning, Richy

—Good morning, Vanysh.
—We have some things to talk about, and since Cleo, Dan, Jessy and I are at the junk yard, we thought about inviting you.

—You guys are lucky that I'm 2 blocks away from it. Be there soon.

—See you then.


She arrived 4 minutes later. Cleo, Jessy and Richy were talking in the secretary room while dan was sat in the couch eating something she didn't even recognize.

Even though everything was looking normal, Richy's shop was full of flyers saying something Vanysh didn't have time to read.

—Hello, everyone.



—Vanysh! You came.

—Yep. What's going on?

—I wanted everyone to be here before anouncing.
—We are doing the search on Sunday at 2 P.M.
—Miranda has already put the flyers.


—Does anyone care to explain?

—My bad. I will fill you in -he blinked.

—Aaaaw the two best friends, Vanysh and Richy.

—Long live friendship!
—Now, what is this search all about?

—So, the women from Duskwood's search are organizing a thorough search of the forest.
—This has been planned for a while, but now we have a date and time.
—We will meet here, at the parking lot on the next Sunday at 2 P.M.

—Wasn't it like, the police's job?

—Yea, but since Duskwood's forest is huge, some help might be useful.

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