Chapter 23: unlocking memories

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"And in my dreams
I will always find
My way back
To you"


It all starts out looking like an impossible game to beat and unravel.  But later we discover that it was actually just a warm-up. A child's play.

Looking back, everything seems very obvious. Too obvious to be true and too hard to face. There isn't a second that I don't think about what's yet to come, what I should do or why this really started.

It's been 20 minutes since I've been in my room.  I can't help but think about the possible answers in that hospital I was in.
When I was 21 years old I had another wave of curiosity and I decided to visit that place, but there was nothing important about me. Nothing or no one to talk to. But now I have this feeling that things might have changed. That someone might have showed up looking for me or clues about myself too.

I am not supposed to leave my house, but anxiety won't leave me alone if I don't do this.


I managed to leave my house without Jake or anyone else knowing. Of course, the police might be watching, but I won't be lurking around the town of Duskwood. I'm going back to Colville.
In any case, this is something I need to do alone.


30 minutes later, I got there.

The hospital hasn't changed a thing. It's the same as when I came at 21 and when I was hospitalized at 13.
I still feel the same cold, desperate feeling I felt the first time I came to this place. Everything is white and tidy, but it still gives the feeling that nothing is right.

—Good evening. -The woman at the counter said to me.


—How can I help you?

—I came here for information.



—About what?

—I want to take a look at Vanysh Blake Webter's file.

—I'm sorry, but first I need to know what is the purpose of this.
—And unless you're this person or you have a license, I can't show you any documents. It's a safety rule.

I knew this would happen again, but this time I didn't want to be recognized. And that is why I brought my old police badge with me. I certainly can't use it since I'm not a cop anymore, but what nobody knows, nobody spoils.

—Here. -I showed her the badge.

—But may I know why you're here?

—I'm in the middle of an investigation.

—How long ago was she here?

—12 years.

—This will take a while. Please, wait a few minutes.

—Thank you.

She started to open some drawers and look for the document.


5 minutes later, she had found it.

—Here it is. -She handed it to me.
—You can give it back to the next woman who is replacing me now. I'm on my break.

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