Chapter 16: Midnight in Duskwood

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"Something dark and evil has awakened"


-Ahahaha. You can't be serious, Lilly.

Lilly kept staring at Vanysh as she would laugh.

-That is not my problem, sorry, blondie.

-Could you maybe just wait and see what it is about first?

-Could you maybe not act like nothing happened?

-It's about Jake.

Vanysh immediately widened her eyes and became serious. Now Lilly has managed to get her attention.

-When I released that video about you two, he sent me something shortly after.

-Which would be...?

Lilly thought before talking, like she was choosing her words.

-Jake told me what connection he has to Hanna. But he couldn't prove it.
-I took the video off afterwards, but I gave him a deadline to show me the proof.

-We don't have time for your shit, Lilly.
-And don't dare to upload that video again.

-If you fucking help me, I won't have to.

Vanysh's blood began to boil.

-Try me again and I will make your life a true hell, you sassy blond.

Lilly got a bit intimidated.

-Well... Will you help me or not? -she started again.

"Of course that little genius had to put me in the middle of this"

-I should leave you hanging, but if it comes to Jake, how can I help you?

-He sent me a link with nothing but the words: "Vanysh is the key".
-But I can't open it because half of the link is missing.
-And all of this has something to do with you.

-Hm. What else?

-I thought that as he said that you are the key, you might have the other part of the link.

-That is definetly it. Let me get my phone an find it.
-Well, come on in.

Vanysh knew that Jake had hidden the link somewhere she could find but wouldn't notice without Lilly saying. He planned all of that.

When she started stalking his profile in the conversation app, she saw a document named "The link". It wasn't there before. He had just uploaded it.

-There is something... -She said as she opened the document while sitting on Lilly's side, but keeping a certain distance.
-It's "".


-Grab your phone.

She took it out of her pocket.

-U-D-I-O point C-O-M.

Lilly united the links and tried to enter the site.

Duskwood: A Town of MysteriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon