chapter 10: Voting

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"Don't think. It complicates things. Just feel, and if it feels like home, then follow it's path"

-R.M. Drake


—Is that...

—The sign of the raven.

— It's not possible.

—You just got marked, Richy.
—At least according to the legend...

—Why me?

—I don't...
—We must show Jessy.

Vanysh took her cell phone to take a picture and sent it to jessy, along with messages asking her to respond right away.

—I'm just going to video call her

After some time, she answered.

—Hey! I was a little busy because of some crazy, old nurse.

—Jessy, look at this -Vanysh showed her the gate.

—Oh no...
—Is that...?

—Richy's garage.

—Are you with him?

—Yes. We are fine, but this isn't good.

—This can't be true.

—It was probably done while we were in the forest.

—Wait, you guys were in the forest?!!

—Kind of... Richy wanted to do that crazy forest dare and I went with him.

—I just didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

—Back to the point: what are we going to do now?

—I don't know...
—I do know!
—It's the sign from the legend, right? If the kidnapper did this, then it means we need to go further regarding the faceless man.

—Yes... but I think the moment where we tell the others about it has come.

—I agree. Vanysh?

At the moment Vansysh was divided. Telling the others about the mark would put her in the same situation as the video sent to Cleo, so it would be better to tell the rest of the group. However, she feels like it's not time yet, and can even feel Jake telling to wait.

—it's not up to me since both of you want to do it.

—Okay then. We can do it tomorrow, right here.

—Yes. Let's ask everyone to come here and then discuss.

—Ok, see you then. Stay safe.

They hung up, Vanysh said goodbye to Richy and walked home, even though Richy had insisted on taking her because it was too late.


After some minutes Vanysh was walking on the side of a park full of trees and plants, almost getting home.
From sudden, a guy holding a knife appeared. He was wearing a hat, a black shirt and a bag.

That was the moment she thought the kidnapper would take her as well, but then she ironically got relieved when the man just "asked" for money and her phone.

—Come on, I don't have time. Gimme everything you have or else you'll meet my little friend here -He said loudly and rudely as he brought the knife close to her.

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