Chapter 22: The past

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"You have no idea
Of how bad it gets"


I suddently woke up when I heard notifications coming from my cell phone.
As I tried to stretch, I realized that I was cuddling Jake. He had fallen asleep too, but did not wake up.

I can't help staring at him. His fluffy, black hair is messy and he looks extremely cute.

Then, my phone kept beeping non-stop and my heart instantly raced. It only makes this noise when my friends are sending messages in the group, and considering the latest events, I'm afraid something happened again.

I carefully got up so I didn't wake Jake, grabbed my cell phone and sat in a chair next to it.

—How are we gonna go on?

Nope, nothing new. Even though I still wonder what we will do.

—Should we go to that house Richy rented for us?

—I don't want to go there anymore
—Not without him😔
—He is somewhere out there
—I have to find him

—We all do...

—The police found his cap. That must mean something

—To be honest, I can't leave Duskwood without a clear conscience right now
—And I need to ask you something, Vanysh
—I want you to reveal everything that you and Jake found out so far to us
—There can't be any secrets


Well, this would have to happen sooner or later. And I don't think it's up to me or Jake anymore.

—I knew you'd ask that someday

—And I want to ask you something else
—I want to add Jake to our group. Or at least have the chance to properly talk to him
—He owes it to us
—I mean, I can only speak for myself, but I think the others will agree
—I trust you with that, Vanysh
—And I also want to stay in Duskwood so that we can find Richy and Hanna
—But only knowing half the truth is really hard for me. I want to carry on trusting you so that we can get our friends back
—But in order to do that, I need to know about everything first

—I'll talk to him.

—Thanks Vanysh🙂

Well, now it's time for me to do my thing.

—Wake up, sleeping beauty. -I said as I got close to him and shaked his arm.

—W-what? -He said, still sleeping.


He finally woke up, confused and blushing.

—What happened, Vanysh?

—We need to talk.

—Is everything okay?

—Yes, don't worry.
—It's just that the others want to know about the results from our investigations.
—I told them I'd talk to you.
—And I'm afraid there is no more escape. They already know you're here and all...

He kept silent.

—I understand them, Jake.
—And even though you don't trust them, you need to trust me.

—I trust you.


—Alright. You may share the results with them.

—I'm sure this is for good.
—And... there is something else...
—Well, they kind of want you to join the group or even have the change to speak to you in person again.
—How bad would it be for you?

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