Chapter 14: Welcome to Duskwood

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"A very little key will open a very heavy door"


Now it's time for me to have a little talk with Thomas, which I think should have happened a while ago.

Before I could message him, someone who wasn't added by me sent something.

—Is that true?


—You did that to that poor girl?

Ugh. Here we go again.

—No. Leave me alone.

Now it's time to contact him.

—Hey, Thomas


—Are you busy right now?


—Alright, so do you mind meeting me at the rainbow café?

—Not at all

—See you at 17:10?

—See you

I thought he would make questions or even say he is, indeed, busy. But he didn't. How surprising.


Hours passed and I was already at the café, just waiting for Thomas.

It didn't take long for him to arrive. He looked calm and was wearing that cap that made him look even taller.

—Good evening Vanysh. -He said while coming in my direction

—Good evening Thomas.
—If you are wondering why I wanted to meet you, it's because I have to ask you a few questions.

—Alright. Shoot.

That was even more wierd.

—Were you waiting for this or something?

—Actually, I was.
—I knew that eventually you would want to interrogate me.

It's just a shame that you had time to formulate your answers.

—You talked to Hanna by the phone right before she disappeared...

I kept looking at him but he wouldn't say anything, just kept staring back with a very surprised expression.

—The cat ate your tongue?

—Sorry -He scratched his neck.
—I thought you wanted to talk about Alfie...

—I'm not getting involved on that.

—Yes, I called Hanna right before she vanished.
—And now you guys are welcome to think whatever you want.
—I know what it looks like and you guys are treating me like a suspect anyways.

—I am neutral about this, and I'm sure our friends don't really think it was you.

—Is that true?

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