Chapter 25: The Man Without a Face

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"Tell the Devil that I'm home"


A cold, strong wind came through my window, knocking what was on the table and making me wake up.
But what surprised me was the fact that it was already morning.
I don't think I had such a peaceful and lasting night of sleep for weeks.

Before I went to bed I can only remember calling Carol to tell her about everything that happened. She was surprised but not so much as she had her suspicions, and of course, she wasn't any happy because I went to Collvile and didn't visit her or asked for her help. But she understood me, as always.

When I went to check my phone there were no notifications, which made me a little calmer.
Every single time I go to sleep I'm afraid to wake up with bad news in the group or discover that something happened to my friends. And if there are no news, they are probably okay and safe. But It also makes me nervous because it means that Richy hasn't been found.


A few minutes later I went downstairs to have breakfast and then check on Jake.
When I entered his room, he was in front of his computer with dark circles around his eyes.

—I suppose you didn't sleep and well as I did.

—Oh, Vanysh!

—Hey Jake.

—Did you just wake up now?



—I know, right?
—But I can see that you've been up all night.
—What were you busy with?

—I found something in connection with Michael Hanson.
—Come here.

I leaned back in his chair as he took out his cell phone to show me something.

"Question with witness Michael Hanson will now resume. It is currently 1:35 AM"

A man started talking right after Jake opened an audio.

"Right now there is only Alan Bloomgate and Michael Hanson in the room"

"—So please, Michael, continue.

—So, as I said, I was working and thought they had already arrived from the festival. -Another man with a very tired and sad voice answered.

—What made you think that?

—Because that's what they did last year too!
—There was nothing unusual about it.
—Listen, Alan, it's late I'm tired-

During your last interrogation you said... One moment please...
—You said you thought Jennifer and Isabel went to the Pine Glade festival with their friends after arriving in Duskwood."

When he mentioned the festival, images flashed through my head instantly. The Pine Glade Festival! I can remember this! It looked like a Halloween festival in the fall, only mixed with summer and amusement park.

I also have this memory of catching apples with my mouth, but I always thought this was another crazy dream of mine.

—I thought Jennifer was looking into the fireworks while Isabel was with her friends, waiting to see them in the sky.
—They are always packed in the Aurora during the Pine Glade festival.
—The girls know I don't have time for it, but they wanted to see them. They always look foward to it the most.

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