Chapter 5: Horror story

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"Slender holes have the worst drops and biggest craters. Be careful with where you step into"


After a tiring year of work, vacation is one of the things I could wish for the most. There is nothing like being free from responsabilities for a while.

The bell rang

Well, I've never experienced such peace.

—Hey! Vanysh!

It's Cleo, happily waving at me while she stands in front of my door.

—Hello, girl! What brings you here?

—Remmember when I told you I was going to ask around and find out some information?

—Oh my- Please tell me you did find something out

—No. Not...yet. But still, that's why I came here for. I'm heading to the motel, and I thought that... well, as you're a great detective and I could really have some company-

—You want me to join you?

—If you don't mind...

—That would be just great. Let me get ready, then we can go.


After changing my clothes and putting everything I need in my purse, we went to the famous motel of Duskwood.


The motel is large and very close to the forest. It also has a sign that obviously says "Motel" and shines in red.

We have entered, but there is no one around, which doesn't surprise me much. Being close to a suspicious forest does not attract people.

—Well, there doesn't seem to be a single alive soul in here -I said.

—Yea, that's strange. The motel is usually full of people.

—Do you think there is an specific reason for it to be like this today?

—I'm not sure, but Miss Walter, the owner, should be around.

—Isn't there a bell for us to ring or something?

—Oh, yea! There is. Right there.

It's been 5 minutes. We rang that bell multiple times but no one answered.

It's not like it's any hard to hear it ringing, cause once you touch it, the noise keeps going trough the room in a loud eco.

—Lilly used to work in here as receptionist. Apparently they didn't find anyone to replace her yet. -Cleo said impatiently.

I kept looking around, observing the place and it's details when I saw a young boy playing in a huge mud puddle in front of the motel. He must have arrived while we were trying to call Ms. Walter.



—Have you noticed that kid, right there?

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