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𝖄𝖊𝖔𝖓𝖏𝖚𝖓 wasn't dumb and it annoyed him that people thought he could be tricked that easily, so when kai told him he didn't know where soobin was, he just scoffed.

"of course you don't know kai, i wonder why your hands are sweating and why you're not looking at me though. it must be a coincidence, right?" the black haired put his hands flat on the table, the younger sitting in front of him.

"y-yes, a coincidence, yes." kai laughed forcefully, knowing he wouldn't be able to hold the act too much. yeonjun chuckled creepily, like what he previously said was actually a joke, which wasn't.

"i just need to know with who, kai." the older stopped chuckling and stared coldly at the taller, who looked away. "you for sure wouldn't like to make me angry, right? so said it." yeonjun said in such a calm tone that only made kai feel more scared and small.

"he's with charlie, they invited him for lunch." the blonde closed his eyes, waiting for yeonjun to explode, but he was welcome by only silence. when he opened his eyes, the black haired had furrowed brows.

"fuck." yeonjun pulled away from the table, leaving the house and a confused kai behind. it wasn't good, the black haired had an eye on charlie for a long time, they were quite obsessed with him and that meant eventually they would go after soobin, but it wasn't supposed to be that fast.

yeonjun could see charlie was a careful person, so they would go little by little until the odds of their plan working would be higher, like when the black haired wasn't in the community for exemple. so it must have happened something for charlie to be so impulsive and careless.

the male got his weapons, the usual set of knives and katanas, and left the house, going to charlie's place instead. when he saw the yellow walls, yeonjun went around the house, going to an open window and jumping inside, all without make any noise, which made him able to hear muffled sounds from another room.

the black haired silently walked through the house, following the noises and, while hidden behind a wall, found soobin tied up on a chair. charlie was looking quite nervous and beside them was san, it all made sense now, san was the thing that made charlie careless.

"san are you sure this is going to work? i want to kill him, yes, but we're doing this while yeonjun is here, he can come inside any second." charlie turned to the male, who shook his hand in the air in disinterest.

san knew yeonjun would come, and that's what he wanted. he was trying to get rid of the black haired for the longest time, and it was a perfect chance to do so when he would hurt charlie for kidnapping soobin. the male knew how much yeonjun was protective over the taller, so it was all perfect for him doing shit and being kicked out of the community, all the other rats with him.

"of course it will work, trust me charlie." san turned to them, rolling his eyes. he just wanted to get this over with and go home, his stab wound still hurt a lot and he needed to rest and think of a way to get his position in the security team back. "just do it before yeonjun realizes."

"okay." charlie grabbed a knife and stopped in front of soobin, who was on a chair close to the kitchen's wall. they were about to hurt him when a throwing knife stuck to the wall beside charlie, who jumped in surprise and turned back, coming face to face with yeonjun.

"well san, i didn't expect you to try something so soon." the black haired twirl another of his knifes on his hands, the tip touching his index finger while it slowly turned. "i honestly thought you were smarter." he scoffed, looking at the male.

"fuck you, yeonjun." san spat the words out, angry, and tried to grab another knife from the knife block, but was stopped when yeonjun grabbed him by the hair and hit his head on the island's corner, making him growl in pain and fall on the ground.

"charlie, step back from bunny." the black haired turned to them, calmly, and charlie did as said, taking a couple of steps back. yeonjun hummed and cut the tapes around the taller's wrists and ankles, looking at him after. "i want you to go inside a room, lock it and don't come out until i say so, okay darling?"

darling. it made soobin know he had to do as said or he would regret it, so he just nodded softly, sending a look to charlie before getting up. yeonjun kissed his forehead and waited until he heard the door being closed, turning to charlie after.

"you know, charlie." the black haired walked to them, standing behind them while putting his hands on their shoulders. "if you wanted my attention that bad, you could've just say so, and not go all the way to do this mess." yeonjun got closer, using his fingers to caress charlie's cheek from behind, who leaned on the touch.

"i always liked how smart you are, so much more than soobin." the black haired pulled away, going around the other and grabbing their chin gently. "so i'll choose you, if you prove me you're better."

"how?" charlie gave a step foward, anxiously wanting to know what they could do.

"kill san." yeonjun, turned to the said male, who was supporting himself on the counter to try to get up, while one of his hands was on his bleeding face.

"did soobin have to kill someone too?" charlie furrowed their brows, they weren't sure if killing san was a good idea.

"of course not, that's why if you do it, i'll know you're better." the black haired smirked, licking his lips while staring into charlie's eyes, who got completely mesmerized. "maybe even perfect for me."

"i'll do it!" charlie held the knife on their hand, looking at yeonjun expectantly, waiting for words of approval.

"good, now go ahead." the male stepped back, lightly pushing charlie foward and towards san.

"charlie, what the fuck? are you really listening to this psycho?" san knew he was in big trouble, he had a stabbing wound and a hurt nose already, it was a huge disadvantage and he didn't even included how psychotic yeonjun was.

"of course san, i'm perfect for him. he will leave that bitch and will be mine." charlie walked to san, ready to try and stab him, they would finally have yeonjun to themself like they always wanted.

"it's a shame though." the black haired smirked. "that soobin's already the perfect one for me."


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