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°•𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 • trauma, mental illness•°


𝖄𝖊𝖔𝖓𝖏𝖚𝖓 squeezed the cell's bars with all his strength, eyes closed while doing it. "fuck." he whispered.

"what the fuck was that?" beomgyu looked at him, creeped out from what happened earlier, but yeonjun didn't say anything.

"yeonjun?" soobin tried, still hearing the male whispering curse after curse.

"i can't believe i met them again." he tsked. "they were supposed to be dead, bunny! dead!" yeonjun turned to soobin, holding his own head between his hands. "i killed them! i can't believe there was more." he ran his hands through his face, completely tense.

"what's that supposed to mean?" beomgyu said, throwing his hands in the air. the last thing he needed was yeonjun's insanity right now.

"listen to me." the black haired said. "they will probably come get me soon, you three will be brought to another place, away from me. you need to escape, don't try to find me or taehyun, did you listen to me? don't go after taehyun!" yeonjun stared at beomgyu, making clear that he was the problem.

"you won't have two chances of escaping, so if you see one, do it." he bent down, taking his boot off and picking a small knife out of it. "bunny, hide this, okay? you will need it, so don't let them see it."

"yeonjun, calm down. explain what is happening first, who are they?" soobin put his hands on the older's shoulders, yeonjun was speaking fast and his hands were slightly trembling.

"there's no time. you need to do what i'm saying! i will try to look for taehyun but you three need to leave, don't wait, don't stay here."

"i won't leave hyun here, what the fuck?!" the long haired scoffed, fuck yeonjun and his paranoiac ass.

"yeah, if we manage to escape we need to look for him!" kai agreed with beomgyu, nodding his head.

"FUCKING LISTEN TO ME!" yeonjun screamed, frightening the others. "you don't understand where we are and who they are, so stop being stupid and listen to what i say!"

"bunny, do as i said, okay? get them out of here." he approached the taller, carefully talking to him.

"yeonjun, you need to explain what's happening." soobin said softly, seeing how the male was on edge.

"there. is. no. time." the black haired took his mask off, pulling soobin closer to him.

beomgyu could see the oldest whispering something in soobin's ear and the taller visibly tensing, nodding after. the long haired wanted to know what it was, but he doubted his brother would tell, and it didn't matter, he wouldn't leave that place without his boyfriend.

"they're coming." yeonjun said quietly. "don't die." he softly whispered to soobin before kissing his forehead, stepping away after, so no one who was coming would see their interaction.

"come on, fox meat." the same woman from before, gia, said. she opened the door and handcuffed yeonjun after, going away and leaving the other three alone.

"we need to do what yeonjun said." soobin looked at his brother. "it's nothing about my feelings for him, it's about our safety, okay? just trust me, gyu."

"we can't leave hyun here, soobin."

"binnie, if they're so bad, we have even more reasons to go after tae!" kai stood in front of him, trying to reason with the leader.

"look at me you two, we need to leave. yeonjun will try to find taehyun, that's the only thing we can do for tae now." beomgyu scoffed.

"fuck you, soobin! i can't believe you're trusting that piece of shit again!" the long haired screamed, angry. "what he did with you wasn't enough?! how dumb can you still be?!"

soobin furrowed his brows, hurt. he didn't say anything though, he knew what it looked like, but he wasn't being foolish again. they needed to get out of there, after what yeonjun whispered to him he was sure of it. it wasn't about his feelings for the male, it was about them getting hurt or even killed.

"stop, gyu. it's for our safety." the tallest stared at kai, hoping for some support, but the blonde only looked away.

"we-" beomgyu started but was interrupted by the door opening. three men coming inside.

"time to go." one of them said before they grabbed the males, handcuffing them just like the woman did with yeonjun.

they were carried out of the cell, then through some corridors and doors, until they stopped. the men entered a room made of concrete, only small windows in it, and without any furniture besides five empty chairs. soobin furrowed his brows, worried.

one by one, they were tied up in the chairs, first soobin, then beomgyu, then kai, the other two staying empty. after that, two men left while one stayed, keeping a look on them. soobin looked at beomgyu, averting his eyes to his leg.

"are you okay?" the older mouthed, and his brother nodded. his leg hurt because of how the men dragged them, but he could take it, right now his only worry was finding taehyun.

soobin asked the same thing to kai, and the blonde nodded too, making the older sigh in relief, the last thing he wanted was one of them getting hurt. he stared at the man beside the door, who was quietly looking at them.

"what's happening?" soobin asked hesitantly, not sure if it was a good idea or not. turns out the male didn't mind.

"we're waiting."

"for what?" kai immediately said, quickly exchanging glances with the others.

"for theo." as soon as the man said that, the door opened and a tall guy with big muscles came in. he gave them a smile, that honestly creeped soobin out, before speaking.

"hello, pretties! nice to meet you!" the man came closer, stopping before them while shaking his hands in the air. "we will have so much fun today! and look at that, such a pretty little boy!" the man stared at beomgyu, leaning forward to look at him closely.

"fuck you, you piece of shit!" the long haired snapped back, disgusted.

soobin widened his eyes when the tall man smiled largely, he didn't like the sight of it at all. specially when the male's eyes were full of insanity, it made him realize that yeonjun wasn't even close to being a psychopath like people insisted to say.


°•𝖆/𝖓 • okayy so do u guys prefer having another bonus after chap 41 or do u want me to just continue the story and do the bonus later, maybe when part three ends?•°


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