Hayami: The Rare Beauty 29

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"Are you sure this is the payment money?" Hiashi asks suspiciously looking at the huge amount of money Hayami brought back home. "Yes. It is payment money." Hayami nods. "You sure you aren't lying." Hiashi asks. "I am telling the truth, father." Hayami says. "Swear it then." Hiashi says. "Don't you believe in me?" Hayami asks. "Precaution is better than cure. Weren't you the one who taught me this?" Hiashi asks. "I swear on your lif-" "NO! Not mine! Somebody else's!" Hiashi says in panic. "I solemnly swear on Uchiha Sasuke's life that this is the payment money." Hayami says.

"Uchiha Sasuke? You mean Fugaku's younger son?" Hyuga choro asks. "Yes, I need to make it specific after all. There are many people named Sasuke in this world, I need to make sure that the thunderbolt strike at the Uchiha Sasuke." Hayami says.

"I don't know whether you mean it or are just being sarcastic or whatever." Hiashi says looking at his older daughter suspiciously. "Let the poor girl go! She just came back from mission, let my child get some rest!" Hyuga choro says. "But-" "Go and enjoy yourself." Hyuga choro dismisses Hayami who gladly exits. "You have changed, father. You have grown to be softer as you grow old." Hiashi says. "Your too days will come, son. Just wait when Hayami, Hinata and Hanabi have their own children. You too will grow soft." Hyuga choro says.

"Don't you trust Hayami, Hiashi?" Hyuga choro asks. "I can blindly trust her. My daughter is capable of achieving anything and everything. But money is something I can't really trust her with, even I didn't earn this much in my prime." Hiashi says. "It's not good to be jealous of your own daughter, Hiashi!" Hyuga choro says munching on the fish shaped pastry that Hayami brought for him.






"There is no need to feel guilty Hayami. You didn't lie, that indeed was the payment cash. Payment of when I sold Tadashi sensei. It's okay, the gamble money is still safe with you." Hayami walks in the empty alley.

"Hn." Hayami nearly tripped on her own foot and fell face first when she heard the voice. "It's me. Come back." Sasuke pulls her titled figure back from her collar. "Your sister's super annoying." Sasuke says and continues walking. "I was about to fall face first on this hard ass ground. You risked my beautiful face just to say this?" Hayami says as she jogs towards Sasuke catching up to him.

"I had a dream last night." Sasuke says. "...So did the majority of the population?" Hayami says. "You died." Sasuke says. "Don't tell me it's gonna be some kind of cheesy line-" "It was the worst part of the dream." Sasuke says. "Oh here we go!" "How did I die?" Hayami asks. "You were just acting like your usual self then you suddenly switched your personality. So I stabbed a spoon down your spine. That was the best part." Sasuke says.

"You really scare me at times." Hayami says. "Good to keep it that way." Sasuke says. "Wait! Did you say it was the best part of the dream? Didn't you say it was the worst? You backstabber- no you SPINESTABBER!!" Hayami says. 

"After stabbing the spoon down your spine you dropped dead. I removed the hair from the face just to find out it was Sakura. That was the best part, thinking you were the one died was the worst part. Everything else from there was good." Sasuke says. 

"You psychopath.... how do you even stab with a spoon though? Can you?" Hayami asks. "I don't know. Want to test it out?" Sasuke asks taking out a spoon from his pocket. "I left Naruto and Sakura there." Sasuke points in another alley. "On whom are you trying to test this out? It better not be my-" "I brought two spoons. We can test on both of them." Sasuke says taking out another spoon from another pocket. 

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