Hayami: The Rare Beauty 18

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"I am home!" Hayami breathe out. "Welcome back Hayami chan!" Mikoto welcomes Hayami in. "Yo!" Sasuke greets from his place. "Hn." Hayami replies as she plops on her seat next to Sasuke.

"Hayami chan must be hungry and exhausted after training Hanabi chan. I will bring you juice and snacks." Mikoto says. "There is no need-" before Hayami could finish Mikoto was already inside the kitchen with all kinds of plates, glasses, fruits, knives, mixer and ingredients out.

"My kaa san loves you more than me." Sasuke says. "No shit Sherlock!" Hayami replies and the two just stare up in the ceiling. "I have a question.... who the hell is Sherlock?" Sasuke asks. "....It doesn't exist here... does it?" Hayami sighs. "Sherlock he is a fictional detective." Hayami sweat drops as Shisui appeared infront them out of nowhere hearing the word fictional from Hayami's mouth.

"Go ahead. Don't mind me." Shisui says sitting down besides Itachi who too was present in the room to hear about Hayami's new fictional character. It all started few months ago when Hayami by mistake talked about Spiderman: No Way Home.

"Give her some rest boys." Mikoto brings out the feast she prepared for Hayami. "So basically Sherlock-" Hayami is cut off by the door being opened and reveling the one and only Fugaku Uchiha who just returned from the Konoha's Clan assembly all exhausted.

Fugaku absentmindedly enters the house and straightly goes to the kitchen. Few moments later he comes out of the kitchen and heads straight to his room with heat pad rested on his neck and ears. "Damn that Hiashi.." Fugaku grumbles under his breath before entering his room.

"What's up with him today?" Hayami asks tossing a Sakura mochi in her mouth. "With the amount of Sakura mochi you eat in a day, Hayami chan your hair is going to turn green one day." Shisui teases. "That's totally my aim. Did I ever mention I started to look more like Mitsuri from demon slayer than Sakura?" Hayami says under her breath as she tosses another Sakura mochi inside her mouth.

"Mitsuri? Slayer? What are you talking about Hayami chan." Itachi says resulting Hayami to choke on her sakura mochi. "What? No! I didn't say anything like that. I...I... I was just mentioning how dumb Sasuke is." Hayami says.

"What do you mean by that?" Sasuke's eye twitches at Hayami's statement. "Just what you heard. You aren't only dumb but blind as well. At this point you will go blind even before you get your Mangekyou." Hayami says. "How do you know about that Hayami chan?" Itachi asks. "Because I am intelligent. I have my own ways don't question me." Hayami quickly blocks all the questions that were ready to be thrown at her.

"I have perfect eyesight! I don't have to squint my eyes at the board like you do." Sasuke says. "In my defense Iruka sensei's handwriting is way too unique for his own good. It looks like a spider's fallen in ink and crawled all over." Hayami says.

"You can't even differentiate between me and Sakura." Hayami adds. "That's because you two are twins!!" Sasuke says. 

"That doesn't mean we look totally identical. Her hair is waist length and mine is just few inches below shoulder length. My eyes are lighter in color than hers. She has emerald green eyes and I have pale green. I have small beauty mark under both my eyes whereas she has none. I have A shaped bangs and she has curtain bangs. My hair falls more on the darker pink than hers. Plus I am taller than her. I guess these few reasons are enough to differentiate me and Sakura." Hayami says.

"It's quite easy to differentiate Sakura and Hayami chan, Sasuke." Itachi agrees. "I agree. Hayami chan is way cuter than her twin sister." Shisui agrees.   


"I give up." Hayami bangs her head on the table. "Tch. Such a drag." Shikamaru says besides her. "It's quite hard to believe that you are a Nara and you a genius seeing your state." Ino says. The graduation exam was just a week away and the students were given self study periods. Ino, Choji, Shikamaru and hayami formed a group to study during those periods.

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