Hayami: The Rare Beauty 4

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<<Hayami's POV>>

"Those noble clans always get the higher positions and regards. They steal each and everything from civilians like us. They even took my parents away from me... they killed my parents when I was just 3." Akio nee says choking me.

 "It was still during the war when Konoha suspected a traitor from within. My parents both were civilians and in the war as well. They were the only clanless shinobi from their division and the blames were directly put on them. They tortured them until they confessed but my parents didn't as they were totally innocent. They tortured them till insanity until one day those Hyugas and Uchihas planned to take the torture to another step. Uchiha Fugaku the head of the Uchiha put them under a painful Tsukuyomi. Unable to get information and the insanity of my parents made them useless to the war so the Hyuga killed them without any hesitation labelling them as a burden." Akio nee says.

"Isn't this abit too critical and serious matter to discuss with an infant? Don't you think so?"

Water drops on my face and eyes making it uncomfortable and move my small body a little. "Ah! Gomen Hayami chan." Akio nee says rubbing her eyes, she was crying remembering her dead parents. "Is this the reason she lives alone? And shinobis look at her dirtily and avoid contact with her because she is a 'traitor's' daughter?" realization hit me hard.

"Akio nee!!" I touch her face gaining her attention. "No matter what I will always be with you!" I smile. Its was just a smile for her but it was a lifetime promise for me. "Ahh~ Kawai~ Arigatou Hayami chan." Aiko nee thanks while wiping away her tears and smiling in return. 


"Sakura ane!! Akio nee!" 

I am now 3 years old. I spend most of my days playing with Sakura scribbling with crayons, busy being pampered by my parents like any other children of my age. I run up to the two as fast as my short legs can take me.

"Imoutu chan!" Sakura waves. Though she is a shy and quiet girl she is quite wild and loud with me, Akio nee and our parents. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Akio nee is teaching me how to skip rocks!" Sakura says. "I too want to try!" I say and Akio nee starts teaching us.

First few were a huge fail but later both I and Sakura got a hold of it and managed to make three skips. We quickly got exhausted and sat on the grass making Akio nee chuckle. 

"Lets head back shall we? Its getting dark." Akio nee asks and we nod. Akio nee carries Sakura on her back and we start heading home. On the way home there was a huge crowd. "Hayami chan. Hold my hand tight okay?" Akio nee says making me nod and hold her hand tight.

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd out of nowhere making it difficult for us to walk. There was barely any space to put our foot and suddenly a man walked in between breaking our grip on each other.

"Akio nee!!" I shout as we both are being carried away in the opposite direction by the crowd. After about 30 minutes I finally get out of the crowd in a dark alley. "Oww... it hurts.." I whine as many people stepped on my tiny feet with their huge ass elephant feet.

"This... I know this! This is the shortcut alley to back home! Not really a shortcut, its quite long but its shorter than the main road! I can make it home at time." 

I just keep on heading straight in the dark alley as fast as my little legs could take me. It was getting darker each passing moment so I decided to fasten my pace abit more, from jogging to now currently running.

Suddenly I felt something uneasy in my heart but decided to ignore it and continue running home. I then stop dead in my tracks after hearing heavy clinks and shanks of kunai. A fight was going on the alley though it was dark I could still see two figures fighting ferociously with killing intent.

The scene was absolutely terrifying, a male and a female battling with everything they have using various jutsu while scarring each with their kunai and most importantly their eyes... they had no color, no pupil and veins were popped out in the temples near the eyes.

"This... this is Byakugan." I wanted to run back but couldn't. My body was frozen, my legs were stuck on the ground. I couldn't even move an inch, my body was rejecting each and every order my brain was giving. 

"Since I am not moving an inch, staying hidden I possibly can't be harmed." that was my last thought before the sharp end of the kunai from the male's hand directly came in contact with my left eyes.

A loud painful screech immediately left my mouth as I try to cover my bloody eye but no use since the kunai was still stuck. It was the worst feeling ever, the sharp knife was stuck in my eye, right in the pupil piercing it deep.

The two immediately stop their fight and shift their attention to me. "What did you do you monster?" the female comes to me and takes the kunai out. "How could you hurt an innocent civilian child?" the female spat at the male. "Its all because of this monster child! If he hadn't just dodged it the innocent wouldn't be harmed!" the male says pointing at another child who was standing in the corner.

"He is our son Taka!" the female says. "Kaa chan! Kaa chan!" I cry out loud interrupting the couple. "Shh! Its okay! Its gonna be okay my child!" the female tries to calm me. "Kaa chan it hurts! Kaa chan! Tou chan! Ane!!" I cry harder.

"Only if this child didn't run away from Hinata hime's 3rd birthday party after seeing Neji receiving the curse mark. Such a weakling he is! He doesn't deserve to be a Hyuga, he is a stain on our name!" Taka says taking out another kunai.

"Taka- Ugh!" "Don't interfere Miyu!" Taka pushes Miyu making her land on the floor. "You are nothing but just a failure. You are the biggest mistake of my life, Shinki." Taka brutally kills his own son by his bare hands horrifying both of us.  

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