Hayami: The Rare Beauty 6

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<<Hayami's POV>>

The bandage around my eye are currently being removed. "What happened to my eyes? Did I get a transplant or is it empty... how would that look?" I couldn't help but wonder each and every possibility. According to Hiashi sama Miyu san currently is in prison for murdering her husband.

"Don't rub your eyes immediately Hayami chan." Natsu san, the one who carried me inside says catching my hands softly. Natsu san, Hanabi's future care taker she is really kind and gentle. She comforted me before and after talking to Hiashi sama and Hizashi sama plus fed me, Akio nee and Kakashi delicious mochi.

"Try to open your eyes Hayami chan." Akio nee says. "What if I am blind? What is there is no eye? Only and empty space? What if?" many what ifs went in my mind. "Hayami chan. Is something wrong?" Akio nee asks again. 

I take a deep breath, pray to Hashirama and quickly open my eyes and again close them as the long chain 'what ifs' came across my mind. 

"As expected there is defect in this girl." I hear Hiashi from the door who entered the scene with Hiashi behind him. "This girl is nothing compared to us Hyugas. We have noble blood running in our veins whereas she has a failure blood in her veins. She belongs from a clanless family, her father belongs from a clanless family, mother well she is not a ninja at all. She, her sister and her clanless parents all are just some useless failures, a burden to the shinobi world. They are nothing but useless. Her so called nee has traitor blood in her veins-"

I had enough of the old Hyuga man, I can tolerate all the insults thrown at me but not at my family. Though my father is still a genin, he is the best dad who carries his daughters, put them to sleep, makes them laugh at times of sorrow, cries with them, laughs with them, plays with them, cares for them and loves them both equally unlike you who just abandoned Hinata in the plot.

Though my mother isn't a ninja at all she still is a mother. A mother is the strongest human and warrior to ever exists. She carried me and Sakura for 10 months in her womb, suffered alot in those 10 months for us, the morning sickness, fatigue, and everything.  Giving birth to a single child is already life threatening. She went through many pregnancy health problems and complications, she risked her life to give birth to me and Sakura knowing the chances of her being dead was high. She even fought with her parents and doctors in order to keep both me and Sakura. How can he call her a failure?

Sakura, she is the child along with me for whom my mother risked her life. How could he just call her useless? I mean in the future she is during the early missions but she grows to be the strongest kunoichi in the future. She belongs from a clanless family, no tragic story, no special powers, reincarnation or kekkei genkai but still manages to be the strongest kunoichi. She earns everything by herself, she wasn't granted such luxuries since birth she earned it. 

And about Akio nee... You clicked it old man. You are the murderer of her parents, they weren't traitors neither is she. You knucklehead coffin dodger!

I was fuming in anger until I heard "Mini Neji" running in my mind. "Mini Neji?" I ask as a smoll cute little figure with absolutely the cutest face but also with absolutely the ugliest bowl cut runs to the knocked out Hiashi.

Hiashi was against the wall completely knocked out with a white little figure out of his mouth which I soon figured it out as the anime soul leaving body effect or whatever it is. "So the effect does exists!! What kind of effect do I have? Flowers? Cherry blossom! Butterfly! Cupcake! Mochi? I bet its as cute as me." I drift off to my imagination with a dazed facial expression concerning Akio nee quite abit who was trying to bring me back to sense.

"Hayami chan." Akio nee shakes me out of my imagination. "Akio nee- REAL LIFE MINI NEJI!!" I freak out seeing Neji behind her. Did I ever mention that I am obsessed with Shippuden Neji and Mini Neji? I even have a cardboard cut out of Mini Neji in my nightstand. I wake up to mini Neji and sleep to mini Neji.

Natsu san leads me to a guest room along with Akio nee after a small commotion. Akio nee squeezed me into a hug and kept on praising me throughout the way for knocking out Hiashi sama by pulling a Himawari. 

Not gonna lie, I felt proud and special of myself after knocking that old man. "Akio nee! When will we go back home?" I ask. "About that... soon! Soon we will! Why? Don't you like Natsu san's mochi?" Akio nee avoids my question.

"Yes, I want Sakura ane to taste it too! So when will we go home?" I ask. I might physically be a child but by mentality I am a 28 years old, I'm not letting you go that easily. "Soon, which color will Sakura like? Pink, green or...." Akio nee goes off again.

"We are not going home are we?" I ask gaining her attention. "I just inherited and activated the byakugan, one the three greatest doujutsu. Its secrets have been kept within the main family for years, they can't simply just let a 3 year old get away with it. Can they?" I ask. Akio nee was clearly taken back by it.

"Yes, you understood it well girl." I turn around to the two identical men who were on the door. I suppress my smirk seeing Hiashi still worn out as he enters the room with the support of Hizashi. 

They two takes their seat right infront of us making Akio nee nervous. "So lets get directly to the point. What do you exactly want to do with the byakugan?" I ask straightforwardly. "Hyuga Shinki, he was quite a weak and fragile child who hadn't activated his byakugan yet. He was the weakest Hyuga I had ever seen." Hiashi goes on.

"So am I going to get the curse mark or not?" I ask directly recovering from my gloomy phase listening to how I got the weakest byakugan which is not even close to a decent one. "I really have to work hard..." I thought. Couldn't I be an Uchiha instead? I mean my name in my past life is Uchida Sakuraba. Uchiha and Uchida are similar so couldn't I get a powerful mangekyo sharingan instead? Just like how Shisui got his from his father?

"How do you know about the curse mark my child?" Hizashi asks. "He is so gentle and kind... unlike his baboon twin who calls me a random girl."

"Miyu san and her husband were having a fight about the curse mark so I figured it out." I say. "We were planning to let you go since you got the cursed byakugan but after seeing you activate it...." Hiashi says.

"I refuse to get the curse mark." I say almost immediately. "I don't belong from the Hyuga clan. The curse mark is only limited till the branch families of the Hyuga clan, I am a normal civilian child so putting the curse mark on me will be illegal! (Will it?) You can go to jail for it! It can be considered as child abuse if you try to force me into curse mark." I quickly spit out excuses why I don't want the Nazi like symbol on my chalk board like forehead and diminish my beauty.

"You surely don't talk like a 3 year old." Hiashi point out making me eh?

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