Hayami: The Rare Beauty 24

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"I don't really see the use of this technique." Hiroshi says. "Neither do I." Hayami adds. "My face's gonna get bloated if I continue this anymore." Kane says. "Are you enjoying your first trip out of Konoha kids?" Tadashi enters the scene with fishes in his hands.

"I will take that as a no." Tadashi sweat drops as his students glare at him while hanging upside down a tree on his command. "We have been hanging like bats for the past 20 minutes." Hayami says. "Why are we even doing this? This feels kinda stupid." Hiroshi says.  "We just finished our mission and here you are forcing us to hang upside down like the bats beside us." Kane says as they weren't the only one hanging upside down but the bats too were hanging upside down right besides them.

"I know right! You six look so cute! Let me take a picture!!" Tadashi says and starts clicking picture much to all six's annoyance. "Sensei." they call him. "Keep on hanging till I cook these." Tadashi says and gets on cooking. "What's the benefit of doing this sensei? It just makes us look like fools." Hiroshi says.

"Hanging upside down has many benefits Hiroshi. It helps to improve focus, balance, brain function, joint health, leg and core strength. It also helps in reduction of back pain and stress." Tadashi says. "Still-" "It also helps to improve posture and height." Tadashi says and Hiroshi quickly seals his mouth.

"But what about my beautiful face? it will get bloated-" "It also helps to achieve clear skin and reduce wrinkles." Tadashi says. "Really? If so then I should start sleeping upside down!" Kane says with sparkly eyes.





"Sensei!" Hayami calls. "What is it Hayami?" Tadashi asks swallowing his food. "We were just announced as an official team today. We are still beginners so why did we get an A rank mission?" Hayami asks.

"A rank mission? Are there mission ranking as well? Can't we just choose them?" Kane asks. "Konoha is more detailed and specific than Sunagakure and Kumogakure when it comes to their laws, ranks and missions. They don't just randomly choose people and assign them any rank missions." Hiroshi says. "Correct! Hayami could you explain them further?" Tadashi says.

"In Konoha missions are assigned to the shinobi on the basis on their ranks. Their are 5 ranks in total S rank, A rank, B rank, C rank and D rank. The lowest is D rank and highest is S rank. Let's start with the lowest. The D rank missions.
So basically D rank missions are assigned to genin fresh from the Academy. They pose almost no risk to ninja's life and consists of odd jobs such as farming, grocery and babysitting works. The reward for a D rank mission is between 5,000 and 50,000 ryo.
C rank missions, such missions are assigned to more experienced genin or chunin. The mission with little to no chance of combat against other ninjas. Example are guarding people against bandits or highwaymen, background investigations, eliminating or capturing bandits or thieves, and capturing or suppressing wild animals. The reward for C-rank mission is between 30,000 to 100,000 ryo.
B rank missions, such missions are assigned to experienced chunin. They are missions anticipated to involve combat with other ninja. Examples are guarding people, espionage, or killing other ninja. The reward for a B-rank mission is between 80,000 and 200,000 ryo.
A rank missions are assigned to , concerning, among other things, village-or state-level matters and trends. Examples are guarding VIPs or suppressing ninja forces. The reward for an A-rank mission is between 150,000 and 1,000,000 ryo.
And lastly the highest rank mission, the S rank missions are assigned to experienced jonin and concern state-level confidential matters. Examples are assassinating VIPs, and transporting highly classified documents. The reward for an S-rank mission is at minimum 1,000,000 ryo."
Hayami explains and the two nod at her explanation.

"Now that Hayami chan pointed it out. Why are we doing this A rank mission?" Kane asks. "Hokage sama gave this mission to us. It's the tradition of Konohagakure that a shinobi's first mission is directly assigned by the Hokage, I couldn't just flat out say no to him right in the face. Plus guarding a VIP wasn't that hard and I got 950,000 ryo." Tadashi says.

"WE! We got 950,000 ryo not you alone." the trio says. "You guys are still children and I'm an adult. You don't need to pay taxes -" "Hand us our money or prepare to die." the trio says glaring down at the small chibi figure of Tadashi, their aura filled with killing intent resulting Tadashi to sweat bullets.

"God you kids really are greedy and money minded." Tadashi pouts while unwillingly taking out the money pouch which was snatched from his hands by his students who start counting it. "Leave some for me as well kids!" Tadashi says as he notices the kids dividing the money in 3. "Gamblers shouldn't be trusted with money." Hayami says. "In order to raise a safe, healthy and aware future generation we should discourage gamblers from gambling." Hiroshi says. "And that's by not supplying them money. This is the first step towards the bright future of humanity." Kane says. "But kids!!" Tadashi whines.






"Wasn't it your first mission?" Hyuga choro asks. "Yes." hayami replies. "Then how did you get this much money on your first mission?" Hiashi asks while staring at Hayami and the money on her hand in disbelief. "Oh! It was an A rank mission. We were supposed to guard a powerful old rich man and his family." Hayami says.

"Hayami... did you possibly... rob your jonin?" Hyuga choro asks with suspicion. "Because you don't get 316.66 ryo when divided by 4." he adds. "Oh don't worry about that! our jonin willing gave this amount to us! He is a really generous and kind hearted man!" Hayami lies when in actual they shamelessly robbed their jonin in the middle of the night in the middle of the forest. 






"Is that Hayami chan?" Naruto says. "YOO!!!! HAYAMI CHAN!!!" Naruto calls. Hayami who was in a distance perks up hearing Naruto's loud voice. "Naruto?" Hayami approaches Team 7. "Hey!" Hayami waves at them as she approaches them.

"What are you doing Hayami chan?" Naruto asks. "I just returned from a mission and doing groceries for the dinner." Hayami answers. "How many missions have you done Hayami chan? We have done like tons of mission but those all are stupid. It's all about babysitting, taking out the weeds etc." Naruto sulks.

"I see. My team has just done 1 mission, tomorrow we are going for another mission." Hayami answers. "1????"

"Woah, even my talented and prodigy sister has done only one mission till now. Fufu! Looks like she isn't as talented and strong as people say. Plus point for me, I am more beautiful, useful and stronger than her. Sasuke kun will surely fall for me!"

Sakura couldn't help but be jealous of her younger sister after constant comparison from people between her and Hayami and especially after she noticed Sasuke's change in personality when he's with Hayami.

"I shall get going then. I'm am in-charge for the dinner tonight." Hayami says. As she was about to exit she heard a stomach growl. She looks behind to find a slightly embarrassed Naruto. "Why don't you all take a break? You all must be working hard." Hayami says. "We want to but we don't have money. Plus Kakashi sensei is nowhere to be seen." Naruto says.

"Let's go to Ichiraku Ramen then! My treat!" Hayami says and Naruto's face lights up. They head towards Ichiraku ramen and order a bowl of ramen each. 

"Woah!! Her life must be so easy and pretty. Money? Hyuga clan. Food? Hyuga clan. Clothes? Hyuga clan. Huge ass mansion? Hyuga clan. She is out there living her best, eating, sleeping, getting doted upon and repeating the cycle. She got chosen for the special team being the so called eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan when she is weaker than me. I should have been chosen for the team instead I am smarter, more talented, prettier and stronger than her. Overall I'm way better than her. I don't get it what people see in her? She has those annoying dots under her eyes, pale green eyes and ugly lime ends." Sakura looks at her younger twin  from the corner of her eyes as hayami pays for the meal from her money and exits.

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