Hayami: The Rare Beauty 5

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"Ta...ka.... WHAT DID YOU DO?" Miyu grabs Taka's collar. "It was needed, such disappointments aren't allowed to live with such honorable Hyuga name." Taka says with no hint of guilt of killing his son.

"M..my son... my... YOU MONSTER!" Miyu pins Taka against the wall harshly taking him by surprise. "Miyu! What are you-" Miyu quickly sliced her husband Taka's throat silencing him forever.

Whereas Hayami was still lying on the floor covering her bloody eye while crying hysterically asking for her parents. Miyu goes near her dead son's body and collapses on her knee. She cries over the dead body of her son for a while before carrying the dead body towards Hayami.

"My child... shh.. stop crying... I am here!" Miyu says trying to comfort Hayami but no use. Hayami soon fell into the world of darkness. "Am I going to die?"


<<Hayami's POV>>

I open my eyes to utter darkness. "Am I finally dead?" I thought but I could hear few beep from my left. I tried to move but my body was in great pain making me groan.

"Hayami chan!" "Hayami!" "Imoutu chan!" "Hayami chan!"

I can hear the voice of my parents, Akio nee and my elder twin. "Guess I'm not really dead" "Ane...." I call. "I am here imoutu chan!" Sakura catches my hands. "Hayami.. dear! Can you hear me?" I hear mother to which I slowly nod.

"Kaa chan... where is tou chan?" I ask. "I am right here Hayami chan!" I hear tou chan. "Everything is dark here... I can't see..." I say. "Your eyes are bandaged Hayami chan. It will take a while until you can remove them and see." Akio nee says from the other side.

"I was really worried imoutu chan! You were sleeping for a week! You didn't even wake up when I called you!" Sakura cries. "Hayami chan do you have any idea what happened to you?" tou chan asks.

I couldn't really remember at first but soon the memories came back. The memories of the terrifying Byakugan, the killing intent that surrounded the alley, the kunais clashing against each other, the kunai piercing my eyes, Taka san killing his own son Shinki, Miyu san then killing her husband Taka san and Miyu san crying over her dead son's body all came in with a rush and in no time I was in tears.

"Tou chan!!" I cry forwarding my hand to who knows where just wanting to smell my father's cloth and be in his big, protective arms. Tou chan immediately carried me and started calming me down.

"Blood... blood! Everything was bloody! Tha-that man threw kunai at me, then later killed his son. The lady killed her husband and she was carrying the dead body moving close to me. The kunai... it was stuck in my eye..." I manage to cry out everything not caring whether they understood or not. I just wanted to vent out everything inside me.

It has been 2 weeks since I have been in the hospital with the bandage still over my eyes. I was brought to the hospital by the one and only Hatake Kakashi who bumped into the lady who was carrying me all bloody. Well at least something good happened, I was carried by one of my anime crush all the way to the hospital in bridal style.

"Hayami chan!" I hear Akio nee. "Today you are finally getting discharged! Aren't you excited to go home?"   Akio nee says making me nod. Akio nee helps me get changed and we head out of the hospital room. I was expected to get swept in either tou chan or kaa chan's arm but somebody else held me up.

"Eh?" escapes my mouth. "I am Hatake Kakashi. I am here to escort you." Kakashi says. "Ha...ha.. Hatake Kakashi... Oh my heartu!!!" my face is probably as red as a tomato with my heart beating out of my chest.

"Rest Hayami chan. I shall escort you safely." Kakashi says. 

"Ahhhh!!!!! Young Kakashi sound so hot!!!! I might faint- No! Hayami! This isn't the time to faint! This is the time to take the advantage of being a sick child! Hug him tight! Touch his hair! Lean on his chest!"

"This is the best day of my life, being carried by Hatake Kakashi till my home. KAA CHAN! TOU CHAN! YOUR DAUGHTER IS BRINGING YOUR FUTURE SON-IN-LAW!! PREPARE FOR HIS ARRIVAL!! Sakura ane! Imoutu chan is bringing your brother-in-law~~"

"We have reached." Kakashi says and knocks on the door. "What happened Hayami chan?" Akio nee asks who was walking with us as I suddenly perked up straight. "This isn't home." I say. "This isn't home, the door back home doesn't sound like this. Kakashi san! You have brought me in the wrong place." I say.

"Please come in." I hear a female voice and the two enter along with me without replying to my answer. "Is she the one?" the female asks making Kakashi and Akio nod. "We have reached. Please hand Hayami sama to me." the female says and I tightly grip on to Kakashi.

"She won't hurt you Hayami chan." Kakashi says and the female carries me inside. "Is she the child? She looks cute." I hear a small voice.  "Why are her eyes bandaged?" I hear even smaller and softer voice. "Something bad must have happened to her." the first voice says. 

"We are here Hiashi sama!" the female says. "Come in." a cold, stoic voice says startling me. "I don't want to go." I whisper. "Nothing will happen Hayami chan. Rest assured." the female says. I am made seated on a soft cushion on the floor infront of..... idk.

"Haruno Hayami wasn't it?" the same stoic voice asks. "Yes..." I reply. "Do you remember what happened to you few weeks ago?" the man asks. "I-I do." I reply. I could feel two strong gazes upon me.

"Would you like to elaborate." another man asks but his voice wasn't as cold as the previous one's. "I was just skipping rocks in the lake with Akio nee and Sakura ane. It was getting dark so we were returning back home. As we were returning we got separated in the crowd, after 30 minutes of wandering I found an alley which was the shortcut to my house. Without any second thoughts I entered the alley and started heading home. As I was jogging to reach my ho faster I heard the sounds of kunai and immediately caught on that an fight was going on.

I decided to hide not wanting to alarm them of my presence as they might be enemies. I thought nothing bad could happen if I just stayed there in the dark hiding but my plan soon backfired when the kunai from the male's hand pierced straight into my left eye.

The lady soon rushed to me and took out the kunai. The couple has some argument about some curse mark. They were shouting at each other talking about the pride of the clan etc. when suddenly the husband.... Taka san I suppose took the kunai from Miyu san's hands and killed his 3 year old son Shinki right on the spot.

Miyu san stared at the dead body of her son for a while and soon lost her temper. In rage she pinned Taka san on the wall and killed him without hesitation. I was soon losing my consciousness, the last thing I remember is Miyu san covered in blood carrying the dead body of her son and coming towards me." I narrate the story truthfully.

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