Hayami: The Rare Beauty 16

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<<Hayami's P.O.V>>

<<Underlined Italics are the hidden parts; author's point of view>>

"How the hell does everybody know me here?" I am seriously creeped out by how all the higher ups and clan leaders know about me and my interests. Today I have accompanied oyaji to one of the Konoha clan meetings which is scheduled in the Hokage tower.

"The meeting is starting soon. I agreed and brought you here but what are you going to do for the whole 3 hours?" oyaji asks me. "I will stay with hokage sama. Hokage sama has visited the academy many times and I have conversed with him as well. Plus my kunoichi teacher lives here too. I have to ask her something about our lessons." I say. "Hayami sama really is a bright child with a lot of curiosity." I look up to the voice.

"Greetings Yamanaka sama." I bow down. "Do you know who I am?" he asks. "Yamanaka Inoichi, the head of the Yamanaka clan which is famous for their sensory abilities and mind related techniques which makes them expert at intelligence gathering, interrogation and espionage. Their special technique allows them to transfer their consciousness, read minds and communicate telepathically. I have never met you in person but I have seen you from afar when you pick Ino from the academy." I say.

"Ino has told me a lot about you. It's a pleasure to meet you Hayami sama." he says. "Hayami, it's time for the meeting. Wait till I come to pick you up." oyaji says and heads towards the meeting room whereas I skip towards the hokage office.

"Hayami sama truly is a genius." one of the clan heads says. "Where did she learn these things from? Hiashi sama is mostly busy with clan affairs and with Hinata sama so he possibly can't teach her these things." another says. "It's really impressive that she has everything memorized and knows how to explain with precise details just like how Hiashi sama stated." another one says. "It's admirable yet a little scary that her information gathering skills are so high at such a young age. I have heard a lot about her from the headmaster of the academy as well when I went to meet him." Inoichi says. "That Hiashi looks really proud. What new has he got to brag about hayami this time? Another 3 hours of him bragging about Hayami again." Fugaku says. "You too were the same as Hiashi sama with Itachi sama a few years ago. Did you forget Fugaku sama?" Shukaku reminds him. "Ah.. about that... my boy's actions were praise worthy so I shared it." Fugaku says. "Aren't your boys friends with Hayami sama? I have seen them hanging out a lot." Shukaku says. "That's correct. Her knowledge about the human body and chakra are quite entertaining to listen to. It helped Itachi a lot during his anbu missions." Fugaku says. "You too are praising Hayami sama, Fugaku sama. Looks like it can't be helped, she is praiseworthy." Inoichi says. "Keep it low, don't fuel Hiashi up or the meeting will last the whole day." Fugaku whispers. "God knows what new thing Hiashi has prepared to brag about his daughter." Fugaku enters the room sighing.

I knock on the Hokage office door after reaching the first floor. "Come in." I hear and I enter the room. "Good morning Hokage sama!" I chirp. "Ohh! If it isn't Hayami chan! Have a seat.'' He offers me the seat in front of him. "How may I help you?" he asked me. "Is Anzu sensei here? I have something to ask her about the lesson." I say.

"Is that really the reason?" he asks me to which I just smile. "She isn't here currently. You can ask me whatever you want." he says. "If so then... Why did you send Yamanaka ninja to track me and go through my mind?" I ask.

In the past few weeks I found out that a Yamanaka ninja was tracking and spying on me. I found out that he was sent by Hokage sama when I directly confronted him after pulling an Inner Sakura on him. Surprisingly I too have an inner, Inner Hayami. She thankfully saved me and kicked the Yamanaka out. The ninja was just a chunin and was practicing his tracking techniques when he got the mission to track me by the hokage so that he could improve his skills. He and the hokage were quite close so he agreed to the mission. He totally didn't expect to get kicked out from my mind and get confronted.

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