31 | it runs in the family

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Days went by quickly and December rolled in

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Days went by quickly and December rolled in. With Daniel and I both busy in our new ventures, our conversations and personal time dwindled into nothing more than phone calls and messages. At first the both of us were frustrated, the early stages of a relationship eating away our sense of time. But then we realize, it wouldn't hurt if we had our lives that aren't revolving around each other. I know Lexi found it amusing. Until we realised how normal the days had been, that's when we knew something was bound to go wrong.

"Hey babe,"

"Babe?" Daniel laughed on the other line. "You never call me that,"

"Yeah well I'm not exactly having the best of days, distract me." I tell him while I stop for the red light.

When I say something was bound to go wrong, the event in question is my mother. It had completely slipped my mind that there's still an impending suit going between us and to avoid further repercussions, I needed to find the deed to the land. Waking up to the phone call of a very frustrated lawyer isn't appealing in any way.

"You could have told me about all this. I would have driven you," Daniel said ironically while I heard him signing papers and typing away.

"That's exactly why I didn't call you. I'm starting to get a feeling your company is getting jealous that you pay more attention to me now," I joked, honking at the mindless driver that had just cut me off.

"Then let them be jealous. They've had my attention since I was a kid,"

"More reason to live up to it you know." I tell him with a shrug as I reach my grandad's driveway. "Hey, I just got here. Can I call you back?"

"What time will you be home?" He asked with a hidden agenda to his tone — like he's got some plan.

"No later than five probably?" I locked my car doors, pulling my coat tightly. "Why?"

"I have a press conference tonight at about four. It's an intimate interview. I was just wondering if you would be able to watch it."

Laughing, I walked into the house and set my bag down. He was like a kid asking his family to watch his very first play. How adorable.

"I'll be watching it on my TV if it's on there how's that?" I tell him, biting my lip in fear of embarrassing him.

"That would be perfect," He sighs but I can sense the smile that accompanied it.

"I'll see you then I guess, Unlocking the door to the house, I hung up and walked in.

There was a time when I was younger when I'd walk in here and the whole house would smell like brownies or other sweet treats. I would hear the old vinyl records blasting through the birch coloured walls while Pops would be singing his heart out with it. Fireplace would be going, embers crackling, its warmth spreading throughout the room. He was a painter so the walls would be clamouring with pieces that are his thoughts come to life. I would love looking at them, trying to deduce the stories they told. He was talented at that — telling stories.

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