19 | tattoos

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"You take every girl on dates like this?" I ask him whilst he leads us through the quiet noon streets

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"You take every girl on dates like this?" I ask him whilst he leads us through the quiet noon streets.

After the wonderful breakfast by the beach, he made it a point to first take me through the town. We ended up meeting a few locals that he had gotten close to in years. Sending me to different doughnut shops and eccentric antique stores. By the end, I had an old picnic basket and a fashionably big hat from the nineties. Quite unseasonal but it's the laughs that got me to buy it. A capsule for tomorrow I guess. When some bistros began putting up their lunch menus and the sun laid atop our heads, Daniel figured it was time to get back to the house where he specifically said he wanted to cook for us. Bold of him. I admire that.

"No," he shakes his head looking down on me. Our height difference is clearly obvious. "I've tried though."

I frowned, hooking my arm tightly on his as the cold breeze swept through the market streets.


He turned to me with a tight-lipped smile before looking down on the cobbled path.

"I haven't actually been lucky enough to find someone with the same interests." He tells me regrettably and I feel for him. Must be tough trying to love in a superficial world. "You'd think every girl given long walks on the beach and warm strolls in villages would swoon at even an inkling of that idea but..." he shakes his head. "World is turning a different way now."

"You just haven't been looking hard enough then," I tell him, smiling at an old couple that walked by us. The man held the woman's hand, kissing it as they looked up into the skies.

"Trick is to stop looking." He took us around a corner nearer to the hill we took from the house. "When you're looking you only see what's in front of you. When you're not, you notice even the unnoticeable."

I smiled thinking back to that midnight. The same night where I felt so low and crestfallen I didn't even notice what was right in front of me. Suddenly the bursts of memories don't seem so distant now. Not after that mystifying kiss that even words can't explain the details.

When we finally got back to the house, it was my first time stepping foot on its floorboards. For a moment as Daniel led us through the door the place was nothing more than a standard house. But then, as soon as the mahogany door shut, everything else caught sight.

I was left gawking at the interiors. How the exposed brick on a far wall complemented the darker walls; almost blackened. The floors were light wooden panels that reflected the warm tones of the lights that hung above. Hanging on the walls were various art pieces that I couldn't help but stare at. Huge windows opened up the already spacious area, flooding it with afternoon light. The only thing that separated the living room and kitchen were the few steps down to the hanging side of the house that looked over into the blue sea. Clear as day. I felt the warm air cold with my cold hands and suddenly everything else felt like home.

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