26 | NDA

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I can hear the creaks and squeaks of the building settling within this silence

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I can hear the creaks and squeaks of the building settling within this silence. The crinkling of paper and the screws on the chairs turning. Pen dribbling on the table and radiator humming from the other end of the room. I look outside in hopes of finding something a little more interesting in the trees and cars that whooshed by.

"Ms Bedford, I'm not quite sure what you want from me. All the conditions and all the details have been presented and you had no objections. All there's left is to sign the papers." Daniel finally broke the painful silence and I turned on my chair. The distance between the three of us is quite haunting.

I sat in the middle of the right row while Lexi and Daniel both took the heads of the long table. Felt like they were miles apart especially with the acoustics in this room being too nice.

"Has Jeanette agreed to all those terms?" Lexi finally spoke up, keeping her back straight while she flipped through the sprawled documents.

"For the second time, yes. She has read over them and agreed." Daniel said politely, still holding himself so gracefully yet so strong.

"Lexi, I told you this will benefit the business. We can finally expand and be more publicised—"

"And of course, you and Mr Hearst will get to live out in a perfect fairyland won't you?" She cut me off and I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms realising that there's no point in voicing my opinions when it goes through one ear and out the other.

"Every part of the negotiation has been disclosed to you as to not manipulate your integrity. With all due respect, I assume this isn't just about the business venture anymore?" Daniel frowns, swaying in his chair with curiosity in his demeanour.

Lexi slammed the folders closed and placed her elbows on the glass table. Amused, I watched as Daniel reciprocated the body language.

"With all that documentation, you are asking me and Jeanette to sign an NDA. How about you?"

"If that's the issue, I can assure you that I too am signing one. Most of the things said in this room today cannot be disclosed to another party. Any exceptions are stated." Daniel explained, looking so smug. I have to admit, seeing him in such a professional light getting all hot and bothered is quite refreshing.

"You're expecting me to sign an investment right over to you? Someone whose conglomerate business already is a success—"

"Why don't you just spit out any word you've been keeping in and let us out of our misery? Hmm?" Daniel slumps back, his words a slight venom but his polite smile never faded. I feel chills at the back of my neck.

"How do I know I can trust you with Jeanette?" Lexi finally said and my eyes widened. She looked at me for the first time but it was merely a glance. Not even a peep.

"You can't." Daniel shrugged, curling his lips. "Because you're not her. Your judgement is simply your own."

Lexi laughed the kind that would remind me of nightmares and take me to darker places. It wasn't the nice fruity laugh I was used to, it's the haunting one. The kind that will probably linger for ages.

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