Chapter 9: The Death of Deathstroke

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(At the Special Forces Base, Sonya and the other members, including the three Kamen Riders are present in a meeting where Sonya clicks a button, and Deathstroke's mugshot appears.)

Sonya: It's been a week since Slade Wilson, also known as Deathstroke was last seen.

(Then she clicks another button, and an holographic miniature of Vienna.)

Sonya: He lately tried to kill the Star City's Mayor.

Shimizu: Oliver Queen, also known as Green Arrow.

Sonya: And it looks like he's hiding in an apartment. Since Nightwing is busy helping Batman on Arkham Asylum, Deathstroke became our business now. Jaune, Shimizu, Koga. You're going after Slade.

Shimizu: Roger. We won't disappoint you, commander.

Sonya: I'm counting on it.

(In Vienna, Deathstroke is seen hiding from the cops with the help of Lex Luthor.)

Deathstroke: Why wasting your time with me? If I remember, you have a company to...

Deathstroke: Why wasting your time with me? If I remember, you have a company to

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Lex Luthor: The Special Forces will come here soon.

Deathstroke: I thought you were worried about the Justice League.

Lex Luthor: The Special Forces have some powerful allies. Even more powerful than the Justice League, making Superman and Batman look like cards out of the deck.

Deathstroke: I know two of them. I was in there.

(Slade then grabs a backpack from under the floorboards and throws it out of the window. Slade and Luthor get behind Luthor's force field to avoid gunfire. Slade knocks a cop over and holds up his sword to repel bullets, then slams a cop into shelves. Slade picks up a large cement brick and slams it into a cop. Luthor fights a cop on the balcony. A cop shoots around the door outside. Slade punches through the wall beside he door. He lays into the cops. A cop descends through a sky-light on a zip wire. Slade grabs the cop's gun and slams him into the wall. Slade bashes a couple of cops with the battering ram. More of the police team hurry up the stairwell. Slade jumps on the zip-line-guy and swings down a level. The three Kamen Riders come in.)

Ichigo: Where is Slade?

(One of the police officers clicks a button in his wrist, and reveals to be Cyborg in disguise.)

Nigo: Cyborg?

Cyborg: Slade has broken containment! He's headed down the east stairwell!

Cyborg: Slade has broken containment! He's headed down the east stairwell!

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