The Tribes Revenge

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Zurreilth sat in the cold Northern forest with Goth by her side. 

"So you really are willing to tell me the faith of my human family?" Goth asked. 

"Of course," Zurreilth answered, "for a small price, of course."

"I'll pay anything," Goth said passionately.

"Something you need to fight," Zurreilth says. "You'll make the payment on my own when the time is right. Do you agree to these terms?"

"Yes!" Goth shouts.

Zurreilth sighs. "Okay then, a deals a deal. I won't tell you any tales now. Not until you pay your due first. However, I will tell you that your tribe is still alive in the Northeastern region."

Goth's eye lit up spectacularly as she looked at Zurreilth. 

"Their current leader is your human grandmother." Zurreilth says, "she will recognize you instantly because your father had the same heart marking as you. Now go, find your family." 

Goth nods and sprints towards the Northeastern region. It was a horrible idea to travel unarmed and without armor. But she was the Listener. She was the stealthiest and quickest, chosen specifically out of all of the Night Mother's children. Trained by demons in each of their specialties. No one can stop her.

Except the giant flying lizard classified as a dragon lands right in front of her, forcing her to a stop. They look each other in the eyes. 

"You." The dragon boomed. "You are the one who spoke to Zurreilth."

"Yes." Goth answered, "do we have a problem, sir?" 

The dragon grew angrier as he breathed fire right at Goth, supposedly turning her into a crispier version of herself. But when he stopped, Goth was intact. 

"Demons are immune to fire, stupid," Goth remarked.

A large group of female knights in steel-clad armor sprint to Goth. Each one was tan with pure white hair, and two feathers used as hair clips were gracefully placed in their hair. They each pull out a wooden bow and arrow and aim at the dragon. Goth couldn't believe her eyes as the soldiers fire hastily at the dragon, who eventually retreated.  A soldier turns to Goth and looks at her.

"Are you okay?" The soldier asks. 

Goth stares at them, completely speechless. 

"Your... your all Starko's?" Goth asked.

"Well, the females prefer Starka's." The solder answered. "But you're a Starka too, young one. Why are you so confused about your own kind?" 

"It's just that this is my first time actually seeing a Starka," Goth answered. She looks down at her hands, tearing up. "I finally got here, but I don't even look like you guys. I don't think I belong here after all." 

The soldiers look at each other. The soldier who was speaking to Goth placed a comforting hand on Goth's shoulder. 

"Skin tone does not matter to us," the soldier says, "you are the Listener. Your human father was a hero to us, and you have the marking to prove it." 

Goth's eyes sparkled as the soldier placed a white feather in her hair. She officially felt like a true Starka.

An older, trailer woman started to walk towards Goth. She hobbled over with a sleek, wooden cane. Her hair was a light grey, and her eyes were a vibrant blue. She wore a long white dress. As soon as she saw Goth, she teared up and hugged her. Goth didn't move and looked confused.

"My granddaughter," The old woman chirped. "My sweet, sweet granddaughter!"

"Um..." Goth mumbled, "who are you, exactly?"

The woman steps back, somewhat in shock. 

"Are you Voir?" The woman asked. 

Goth sighs, knowing exactly what to expect already.

"I'm Snicker," Goth explained, "or rather, I WAS Snicker. I wasn't really that happy as a boy. So I put a spell on myself to see if I was happier as a girl. So since I'm happier in this form, all I ask is that you treat me like a Starka and give me the same amount of respect as you would anyone else. My name is Gothrita. But if it's easier, you can call me Goth. It's the name I prefer." 

The soldiers and the woman both go eerily silent. Goth's gaze met the woman, who started to tear up. 

"Did you purposely go with the name of your mother?" The woman asked.

Goth stood there, somewhat shocked. 

"No," Goth answered, "I didn't mean to. I didn't even know. I just went with what felt right to me." 

"I see," the woman responded. "But don't worry, we will all still respect you here as a Starka. No, we will respect you more than that. We will respect you as the Listener."

Goth smiled and nodded. 

"Good, now then, I'm sure you want to avenge your son?" Goth offered with a smirk. "I got soldiers too, but not enough to raid such a large Northern capital. Plus, Seth's blood is waiting to be spilled." 

~The End~

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