The Return

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Agent Infinite and Agent Zero fell right onto the couch in the base they were in before. Sky fell right on Infinites lap. She hugs him tightly in her sleep, making Infinite blush, stay perfectly still, and become too scared to even move. Zero smiles and holds back laughter. Infinite glares at him, and he stops. Ace walks in, sees Sky, and smiles happily.

"Wow, you got her back! I can't believe it! Good job you two!" Ace whispered. 

"Thanks," Zero whispered back. Infinite was too nervous to talk and Sky hugs him tighter, Ace noticed them and he holds back laughter. Infinite glares at him still. Sky woke up slightly and Infinite looks at her. He blushed even more as he looked at her. Sky rubs her eyes and realized where she was, she turns red from embarrassment and instantly leaps off of Infinite and onto the floor. Zero and Ace both laugh hysterically and Infinite and Sky hide their faces embarrassed. 

"O-oh come on... it's not funny guys?!" Sky said as she glared at them. "I'm gonna go find the others to let them know I'm okay... since I'm not going to tolerate being laughed at by two fools..." 

"I-I'm going to..." Infinite replied. 

"W-what no... you don't have too"

"I got orders from your father stating once your found, you need a knight to stay by your side, and I volunteered, take up any issues with him, I'm just doing my job." 

Zero smirks and comments, "Yeah, at the meeting he literally jumped out of his seat and offered to be your white knight! How romantic!" 

"Seriously?" Ace asked curiously. 

"Yeah, seriously! My brother is such a simp sometimes!" Zero answered. Ace and Zero look at each other and die of laughter. Sky goes to leave and Infinite stops her and points at her clothes, she was still wearing the outfit she wore on earth. 

"If anyone sees you in that you'll be labeled as a slut. You might want to change," Infinite advised.

"Oh right! Thanks!" Sky smiles and runs off down a hall. Sky came back wearing a short kimono (the long skirt part only reached to the center of her thigh) that was the color green, and some cute green fuzzy boots to match. Both of her broken heart crystals were strapped to her wrists and her regular heart crystal was on the belt part of the kimono. "Alright, let's get going!" Sky smiles and climbs up the ladder to the exit. At the exit, it looked like they were in some type of forest. Sky and Agent Infinite shut the hatch and walk down a dirt path leading north. Both of them were nervously looking ahead, trying to think of a conversation to lighten up the mood as they walked.

"So, it's been a while, how have you been agent?" Sky asked shyly. 

"Oh, I've been okay actually," he answered, "How about you?"

"Well, I've been asleep the whole time..."

"Really? For three years?"

"I'm pretty sure... what year is it?"

"The imperial year 2014 of the third era"

"Yup, three whole years." 

"Wow... we finally found you after three years... I'm glad you're okay..."

"Yeah..." Sky looks away blushing from being so nervous. 

"A lot has happened in that time, you mind if I catch you up?"

"Oh please do..."

"Well... I'll begin at the start." He looks up at the sunset, "During the time that you were gone the brotherhood, as in the dark brotherhood, have been more active. They've been looking for you too. We tortured an assassin and they answered, saying how that their leaders wanted to bring peace to Somatis's and Sithis's bitter feud and wanted to have both religions be accepted into society. And they aren't causing or starting any issues, or wars, instead, they're trying to be peaceful about it. From a soldier's perspective, I don't know why you're parents are making such an issue about it. If earth can have that freedom of religion thing I don't see why we can't. Most things about Sithis worshippers that the church states about them are false anyway. The only reason the brotherhood was made was that they wanted to kill corrupt politicians, once their leader started talking to Sithison that's when they adopted it into their system. All it took was some simple research."

"W-wow... that's very unlike them..." she comments.

"Exactly. There have been more battles with them, and each time they slaughtered us. Me and the others barely managed to escape with our lives. The last battle was about 6 months ago, and we barely regained half of our army, and a quarter of them quit. None of the clans and none of our allies are supporting us, so I'm not sure what our next move is going to be." he comments.

"O-oh... and speaking of clans, how's the anubi clan?" she asked.

"They're doing oddly well, ever since Goth-wait, do you know who Goth is?" 

"Yes, I know about Snicker being transgender and now her name is Goth. I learned it from a dream" 

"Oh okay then, well, Teresa decided to pursue another career on earth and Mack ran away, so Goth being the oldest twin had to step in to be the new leader of the clan. Her decisions are oddly accurate and better than anyone else could have done, she doesn't even have any council, she fired them all for being, and I quote, too dumb to even tell the difference between a bird and a mouse. She mostly uses a crystal ball and the occasional spirit when she needs help or to confirm her decision is well. She's only 14 and I could confirm, she is better than your father when it comes to most decisions. The clan is pretty wealthy, and the armies are stronger thanks to her, and they're the only clan who managed to get on the brotherhood's good side. So, I'm thinking that they might help the brotherhood in their endeavors. Especially since Goth has studied about the brotherhood in the past, and not from anything related to the Churches or temple, and by the fact that she despises the church and temple teachings."

"Yeah, that sounds just like her... how is she doing now? Have you heard from her?"

"Everything went downhill for her since you left. I don't even know where to start. Pink cheated on her multiple times and she still stayed with her despite our protests, I don't even think she's eating well, I still need to confirm that though, she got cursed which swapped her gender-but she actually likes the curse now and refuses to have it removed- and before we went to go find you she discovered that Pink had a setup going on to kill everyone in their former band and Goth almost died protecting her from nothing. When Goth went to confront her she found her cheating again. She killed the person Pink was cheating on her with, stabbed Pink multiple times, teleported her away, and ran off. We couldn't go find and comfort her though sadly."

"Wait then why are we going this way for?! Come on I'm going to the Anubi Clan, and as my knight, you must follow!" Sky giggles and runs northeast. Infinite sighs, rolls his eyes, and runs after her.

~End of Chapter 14~

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