The Listener is...

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Albert flew really quickly, he was shaking from fear, and he could barely fly straight. He held Goth's phone in his beak and flew very far north. He flew towards a steep and threatening snowy mountain, and he turns himself white so he could blend in with the snow and not be shot down or seen by predators. He flew straight to the top of the mountain and lands next to a snowy rock. He puts Goth's phone down and pecks at the rock.

"What is the most wonderful sound?" someone asked from far under the rock. Albert hooted really loudly and started to bang on the rock even more. An older man in his mid-30's popped out from under the rock. He wore a red jester outfit, and he looked at Albert curiously with his strange, vibrant blue eyes. Albert picks up Goth's phone with his beak and holds it out to the jester, and he gasps. 

"NOOOOOO?! THE LISTENER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED?! COME IN, PLEASE ALBERT?! HELP?!" the jester screamed as he leaps down back into the hole that was under the rock. Albert flew down there too, and the rock goes back to its normal position, covering the hole. 

Inside was a base, the room they were in looked like a dining hall/meeting room, with a nice table with a long silky red tablecloth covering the tablet full of food. There was a nice stone fireplace against the cold, rough stone walls, and stairs leading up to a hallway, there was also a large circular stone door leading to the outside and a smaller hall across from the fireplace. Albert and the jester run/fly through the door.

"THE LISTENER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED?! THE LISTENER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED?!" He screamed. Albert looks at him and a little girl runs down the steps, she wore a long blue nightgown and looked tired. Her short, messy chocolate brown hair was all over the place, some partially covered her maroon eyes. She yawns and looks at the jester. 

"B-Bonzo stop yelling... some of us are trying to take a nap..." she says before yawning cutely. Bonzo, the jester, looks at her shocked.

"This is the listener we're talking about?! Goth?! Goth the listener got KIDNAPPED MATILDA?!" Bonzo screamed in a panic again. Matilda, the tired little girl, looked absolutely dumbfounded. "Now who's gonna get your little alchemy ingredients?" he asked, making Matilda care more now. "Exactly, now let's get the speaker, and let's go get her!"

"No, the Anubi and the North will be looking for her too, we may have a slight lead from Albert. However, we can use that to pay off the north to do the dirty work for us." Matilda offered. Bonzo looks at her then at Albert. "We can probably have Albert deliver a note or something."

"No," Bonzo replied. 

"What do you mean no?" she asked.

"Whoever took my listener will pay with their lives." 

"Are you sure this is wise? Half of our faces are on wanted posters all across the kingdom!"

"We'll hide our faces. That simple." 

"So many things can go wrong Bonzo?! Do you want us dead?"

"No, I just want my listener back. So does the Shadow Maiden. The sooner we find her the better. Get Wolfe, Ruslan, Okaw, and Leia. Prepare some potions too"

"O-okay my speaker," she mumbles, and runs off, up the steps and down one of the halls. 

~End of Chapter 17~

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