The Quarrels

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Goth and Gala were riding back to Mack'sapartment. The school was closed due to Cherry's sudden murder so the police could investigate. Though they already had all the evidence to arrest the Nise clone. Once they were finally away from the other hoard of students, Gala finally decides to break the silence. 

"Next time, be more discreet." Gala lectured. 

"Don't tell me how to do my job," Goth answered back. "As long as I get it done, then that's all that matters. I don't see you getting your hands dirty."

"That's because I don't want to get caught! If I lose my position as a Happy Helper, Father is going to flip!"

"I know the real reason why you won't."

"Oh yeah? Please, enlighten me?!"

"You were caught in the past, and now you're in denial." Goth sneered. They both stop and look at each other. Gala's hands were trembling. "You should be dead, and we both know it. But I still stepped in and saved your life. What has this 'father' ever done for you?"

"More than you'd ever know?!" Gala screamed. Goth steps back before she could get hit by Gala's fierce slap. Goth kicks her right in the stomach, which made Gala fall right into her bike. 

"That should teach you to raise your hand to me again," Goth mutters. Gala groaned in pain as Goth speeds off on her skateboard. Before Gala could even start to go after her, she was already long gone. Gala sighs. She pulls out a black dagger. Then she slashed a portal to Morana into the air. She goes through the portal, and it shuts behind her. She was right in the Anubi Castle. Gala was preparing silently for the lecture she was about to receive. 

But we don't want to watch a jellybean get lectured. We want to watch the serial killer roaming the streets of Japan. Oh, and before we continue, smoking is bad! Don't smoke or copy any actions in this book. You'll get in serious trouble. 

Goth was skating down the street. It was clear she was somewhat aggravated. She stopped, not willingly, because there were five blonde roadblocks in the way. They were the boys she beat the shit out of before. Goth didn't care what they had to say, so she just skated around them. Though, they did look like they wanted to apologize. 

She stops at a local corner store (also known as a Konbini.) It was what you'd expect from your average, nameless corner store. It was in poor condition. The paint was chipping off the walls. It looks depressing. She looks through to see Sky, Saku, Shade, Agent Infinite, and Agent Zero in the aisle full of candy. Admittedly, this almost made Goth scream in terror, but she stops. 

The same blonde thugs walk up to her again. They look more cowardly since they were standing behind a tall, muscular blonde woman. Well, you think she's a woman, but she wore the same uniform as Goth. She wore a long, tattered black jacket. It's debatable what age she is at this moment. Goth looks up at this woman. Not like up cutely, like she had to turn her head UP to look this woman in the eyes. (Think Hornswoggle looking up at literally anyone. And if you don't know who that is, google it.)

"Can I help you?"Goth asked. 

"Yeah, Listener." the blonde girl whispers. "But it's more like I can help you."

"Who are you?" Goth asked. 

"Koroshimasu Meishu. You can call me Koro. I'm the girl in my sister's shadow." Koro whispered.

"Well, I would say it's more likely she's in yours." Goth joked. Koro giggled. 

"I like you. You're a funny one. Say, you'd fit perfectly with our little group here." Koro smirked. 

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