The Mission

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Goth, Bonzo, Matilda, Leia, Okaw, Ruslan, and Wolfe, look out at the Anubi Clan from a distance. The clan's village was now surrounded by their greatest obstacle, a stone wall. The only entry point was the gate in the front, and the rest of the wall guarded by some rough-looking guards. 

"Okay, our scout says that Princess Sky, Princess Ember, and their agents, Infinite and Zero, are in there too with my sister Voir. Do not kill Agent Infinite. If you can, Bonzo, capture and escape with Sky. Knock out Agent Zero and Ember if necessary, but try to avoid harming them too badly. Do I make myself clear?" Goth pronounced. They nod in agreement. "Good. Move out." They leap off the tree, Wolfe turns into his dog form, and the others wore their disguises. 

Leia wore a black wig and blue contacts, with a nice bright blue dress. Bonzo wore a blue jester outfit and hid his hair in his jester hat. Ruslan and Okaw wore armor made of steel, with helmets that completely cover their heads and faces. And finally, Matilda wore a blonde wig and dressed in a long, red tunic with blue sleeves. She bounced two blue and pink Temari balls on the ground as she walked.

 When they made it to the entrance gates, the guards looked at them curiously. Matilda was smiling like an innocent child, still bouncing her Temari balls. Bonzo looked up at the Sky, admiring the birds and clouds. 

"Excuse me, we came to see the new high priestess? Is she available?" Leia asked politely. 

"Well, she has company right now, and she ordered for no visitors." the guard at the gate answered. "So you must leave!" 

"But we have information about the listener lady! You know, your former future queen? The wanted posters said that any information is welcome! So please let us in! We traveled from the Eastern Regions. We can't go back without delivering the information!" Matilda remarks. 

"Well... she's going to be executed on sight, so being able to see her will help... come in." The guard answered. 

The guard looks at them and opens the gate. Another guard drags them away, but Ruslan tossed a red paper, and it blew away in the wind. They were dragged through the village, then into the castle. 

The red paper blew into the woods. Goth instantly caught it once it blew past the tree she hid inside, and she reads the note. 

This is your warning. The guards will execute you on sight. Sneak inside. Once the alarms sound, don't worry.  Just stick to the plan. 

After reading the note, Goth smiles. She teleports on a black cloak and a black face mask and teleports her staff to her hands. Albert goes sentient but stays on the staff. 

"Are you ready for some bloodshed, Albert?" Goth quietly asked, and Abert hoots happily in response. "Good, fly off and bring the note back to the others if I die," she adds. "But legends like me, they never truly die!"  Goth remarked as she snickered, then disappeared into the shadows. 

Meanwhile, Ruslan, Okaw, Bonzo, Matilda, Wolfe, and Leia, were tossed into Voir's bedroom. The room was decked out in decorations like crystals, cute ghosts, Sanrio stuff, and a lot of the color pink. Voir was crying on her bed, and Sky, Ember, Agent Infinite, and Agent Zero were struggling to comfort her. 

"Your highness, travelers have information about your sister!" The guard happily cheered. Voir looks up, wiping her tears, then she saw Matilda bouncing her Temari balls and tears up.

"T-those are our old Temari balls... where did you get them?!" Voir asked.

"She was playing with them when we saw her, and she was humming a song about a surprise," Ruslan answered, "however, before we could capture her, she spotted us and disappeared into a shadow. She left these behind." He lied right through his teeth, directly to a girl who was mourning her soon-to-be executed sister. Voir hugs the pillow, trying not to cry in front of her guests. 

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