The Earthling Academy

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU?! ALL OF YOU?! SICK, INCOMPETENT FUCKS?!" Seth screamed. Seth was yelling at the guards, all lined up against the wall in the barracks, including Agent Infinite and Agent Zero. Both of them were uncomfortable. It was the day after Goth's escape. No one could do anything except standing there and be the victim to the King's verbal abuse. Its times like these were switching to the Brotherhood's side was reasonable. Sky walked up to Seth and gently tapped his shoulder. He stops and swings around to look at her. 

"Do you mind if I borrow the Agents father?" Sky asked sweetly, "They promised they'd take me to the East to talk with Sophie! I can't go alone in the dark forest!" She did a cute pout. Her eyes were wide and sparkly. 

"Fine... Infinite, Zero, your dismissed?! Get out of my sight." Seth grumbled. The guards groan at Infinite and Zero's luck. They both smile smugly under their bandanas and walk into the village with Sky, who was happily and innocently skipping away. 

Once they were in the woods a good distance away, Sky stops and laughs. "Oh, father! I need to talk to Sophie in the East! But I'm too sweet and innocent to go alone!" She mocked in the same sweet innocent tone as before. Infinite and Zero look at each other confused. "It works every, single time. Act like a stereotype, and get what you want!" Sky growled. She punched a nearby tree, leaving a large fist-shaped hole in it. "I'm sick of his shit."

"Sooooooo no tea parties with Sophie?" Zero asked. 

"Of course not! I hate tea!" Sky answered. "I'd prefer those sugary drinks from Earth any day!" 

"You've tried those on earth?" Infinite asked. 

"Of course I did! I go back when I finally ditch everyone to hang out with Shade and Saku. They are pretty great spies too. They said they got some information for me recently. It's for all three of us, so we're all going on a field trip! I even packed some lunches!" 

"Ooooo, lunches!" Zero chirped.

"What are we, seven?" Infinite remarked. He rolled his eyes. Sky leaped up into a tree and tossed two lunchboxes at them. They caught the lunchboxes and peeked inside. Inside both lunchboxes were a juice box, a grilled cheese put in a cute little sandwich container, and some apple slices in a ziplock bag. Infinite slid his bandana around his neck and munched on some apple slices. Despite his insecurity about his sharp teeth, he loved apple slices more. 

"Okay then, when your all ready, let's go!" She chirped as she used the dimensional dagger to slice a portal into the air. Sky and the Agents leap through the portal, and it closed behind them. 

Meanwhile, in the Anubi Castle, Goth was reading a black book with black pages in the Study. It was clear she was invested in what she was reading. Gala walks in and peeks over her shoulder, then goes pale and looked a bit uncomfortable. Gala had a band-aid on the bridge of her nose. 

"I thought necromancy and the dark arts were forbidden," Gala muttered. 

"Only for the boring people who banned it," Goth answered, without looking up from her book. 

"It's a bad idea to mess with demons!" 

"Your concern is, touching, but I speak with them daily, I'll be fine." 

"It doesn't change the fact that it's a bad idea!" 

"Wait, why are you still here? Don't you have a life outside of pestering me?" 

"Well, someone needs to be your conscious, and you don't have one." 

"That makes this your job then?"

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