The Preparation

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Sky was in a large ballroom with servants, helping them decorate. The ballroom was large and grand, with black marble floors and breathtaking cobblestone walls. Lanterns with small balls of light illuminate the room, but right above the dance floor was a shining silver chandelier. The servants hung white lilies and white roses. Sky levitates some small circular tables with shiny silk white tablecloths into the back of the ballroom away from the dance floor. Then she levitates a larger rectangular table with the same silky white tablecloth as the circular tables draped across it. The servants each put different party foods on the table. (Fruit punch, snacks, all that stuff, including chocolate covered strawberries!)

"Okay, we're almost ready! But there is something missing..." says Sky as she looked around the glamorous ballroom. "Oh right, the people..." Sky giggles. "Alright everyone! The guests should be here soon! Thank you for your help!" The servants walk out and Sky stands in the large beautiful ballroom. Snicker and Voir walk in. Snicker was wearing a uncomfortable looking black suit with a pretty black and silver tie with a pink stripe near the bottom of it. Voir wore a pink dress with some cute pink flats. Voir looked happy and Snicker looked at the table full of food and walks over to it, admiring each one happily.

"Hello to you too Snicker!" Sky giggles. Snicker waves high as he was eating one of the chocolate covered strawberries. Pink walked through a portal and looked at Snicker. Snicker waves high to her too and pats her head. She giggles and kissed his cheek, making him blush a lot, since he didn't expect that.

"Aw, young love!" Sky smirked as she said this, and Snicker walks off. Agent Infinite comes back, covered in mud and scratched up, making Snicker and Voir laugh hysterically.

"Thanks for laying traps all over the road..." Agent infinite huffed.

"Your welcome snitch!" Pink says, and runs off, making Agent Infinite growl.

Sky sighs as she watched Agent Infinite and Snicker run after her. "They act like children I swear...."

Voir sighed too, "Agreed... I'm sorry about him, I'll help set up as compensation"

"Oh no you don't have to!"

"I do, and I want to anyway"

"Fine, we got about half an hour, lets make it count!"

And so Voir and Sky start to prepare for the party, not knowing the trouble that's going to happen next.

~End of Chapter 5~

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