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"Kenny?" Anya's voice penetrated the air as she looked up at the familiar man, who looked younger than the last time she had seen him. His face wasn't wrinkled with worry, and his hair was longer and not peppered with grey hairs. At the same time, it was almost as if his eyes grew softer. He looked happy, something Anya had rarely seen growing up around the man.

"Anya!" Kenny smirked, "My second favorite brat!"

She ran up to him and held him as tight as she could, as he brought her up into his arms and spun her around like he did when she was just a child. When he put her back down, she looked around at the place they were in. It was an empty white room, with a table and chairs. It reminded her of Mikasa's vision, but somehow she knew that wasn't exactly where she was. She swallowed and looked up at the man who was more of a father to her than the man who raised her.

"Kenny, where are we?" Anya asked as she looked up into his eyes.

"you don't want to know my dear," Kenny sighed in response, "What's important, is you need to get back down there,"

"Am - Am I..." She started, tears starting to pour from her eyes, "I ca-can't be,"

"No," Kenny looked down, and put an arm around her small, frail body, "but... you're close to it. You need to get back down there to him, so you two can raise your brats together,"

Anya felt the tears start pouring down her face as she looked down at her clothing - her white nightgown was stained red, and she could no longer feel the kicking of little feet inside her womb. "Are.. are they..."

"Don't worry about that right now, you're too close to the edge," Kenny shifted in place, "you need to go Anya, right now, before it's too late, before they can't bring you back,"

Anya closed her eyes, and took a deep breath in. She didn't know where she was, or how she was supposed to get back. "H-how do I..."

"Now! Go!" She heard Kenny's voice bark at her, as electricity ran through her body and she tried to open her eyes

Anya opened her eyes and took in a sharp breath. She was in a hospital room, and she could hear the beeping of monitors and feel the sticky pads of the machines she was hooked up to, the pressure of the cuff on her arm, and the sharp pain of the I.V. inserted into her. Her eyes found Nathalie's face, hovering above her with a face of relief.

"Anya!" Nathalie's voice pounded through her ears "Holy shit, it worked..." she put down the needle with the adrenaline shot, "Listen - Anya, we don't have much time, you are having these babies right the fuck now, okay?"

Anya nodded as best she could, however weak it was, as she felt the sharp pains and cramping in her belly and below. She felt weak, and cold, and could barely move. She looked to her side, and saw Levi with tears in his eyes.

"I love you," he wept shakily. His hand, gripping her own, "I thought you were gone,"

"I-I love you," she sobbed as she squeezed his hand, "I-I saw Kenny..." she barely stuttered out as she felt a sharp pain radiate through her, causing a sharp scream to erupt from her lungs. Her whole body ached, and it felt like every muscle in her body was both on fire and cramping as tight as possible. When she finally regained even a moment of composure, All she could feel was the wet warmth growing from between her legs, spread under her. Anya looked past Levi, towards Annie, who was standing behind Levi at her bedside, and Armin, who had his hand on Levi's shoulder. "A-Armin," Anya spoke between labored breaths, as the pain grew in intensity, "A-Ann-Annie,"

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