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"I don't understand why we have to meet them for dinner" Zeke grumbled, as he adjusted the tie that Nathalie insisted that he wear. "We just saw them last night," He grinned. "You don't think Anya's going to choke on her food without us around, do you?"

Nathalie let out a laugh. "It's not that, you dumbass," She sighed as she brought her hair up into a bun. "It's important," She examined herself in the mirror, and wondered what she was going to look like in a few months' time. "Besides, I have really big news to share, and I want the two most important people in my life to be there when I announce it... and also Levi, I guess,"

Zeke sighed, he couldn't deny Anya had become a key part of Nathalie's life since she returned to Marley. Most nights, the four were having dinner together at one couple or the other's house. Levi had started to actually tolerate Zeke, and Zeke found himself trying to befriend Levi - if for nothing else, for the sake of their wives. Still though, the two couples had never gone somewhere quite as exquisite as where Nathalie had booked them for the night's dinner reservations, and Zeke hated having to dress up for something as simple as dinner with the couple they were seeing nearly nightly. "Okay, but why do we have to go somewhere so fancy," He grumbled, adjusting the tie slightly more and pulling on the ends of his jacket

Nathalie looked at her husband, the man she loved so much and knew her so well. She was astounded he hadn't taken the hint by now, but alas - she hadn't married Zeke for his intelligence. "Because I have a craving for steak," she admitted with a pout

"Then why can't we just eat with them here," He whined out, "I'll cook and everything,"


"Because why,"

"Because I said so,"

Zeke sighed as he raised his hands in surrender, knowing it was useless to argue, "Fine, I'll go! But are you stressed at work again? You never have cravings for anything, Nat,"

"Well maybe tonight I do!" Nathalie cried out in response, not wanting to admit that the craving was stronger than she wanted him to know right then

Zeke approached her slowly, and planted a kiss at the top of her head, "Okay fine, I get it, you're stressed - but please can we come home early? I love annoying Levi but you've been so damn busy at the hospital,"

"Don't worry, I'll be a lot less busy soon. In fact, I'm going to need to take some time off," She snickered as she did a twirl in her dress and turned to face him,

Zeke's eyes widened. "Wait, WHAT?!" He couldn't help crying out. He couldn't remember the last time his wife had taken time off. She'd never even take a day off, not even when he would beg her for their anniversary. That was impossible. He approached her and cupped her face and urged her to turn and look at him. "Are you sure you're okay, baby?"

Nathalie grinned playfully as she looked at that concerned look on his face and she laughed. Her hands reached for his tie, settling it place beneath his black suit jacket. "I'm great. Why so surprised?"

"Because Dr. Nathalie Burgess Yeager never takes day offs,"

"Well, I might make an exception this time," Nathalie arched an eyebrow as she leaned closer till she could feel his breath tickling her chin. Lips only a few inches apart and his eyes focused down on her own.

"Is it because of me?" Zeke arched an eyebrow and she giggled.

"And why would it be because of you, Mr. Yeager?" Nathalie leaned close, pressing kisses down his rough chin, his neck, his cheekbone.

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