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Sarina took a swig of her whiskey, looking around the file room for hours had been a chore, but it was a chore she was willing to undergo if it meant she could give her sister answers. Answers her sister didn’t ask for, but Sarina knew she wanted. But for years, no matter how hard she looked – She couldn’t find any information on the two names, albeit one of them had no last name. Through the years, the one place she hadn’t thought to look was military records. She only had a last name on one of them, and it was damn near impossible to find records on a nameless solider. It wasn’t until Levi said he knew someone named Furlan, that Sarina thought to look into military records.

“Aha!” Sarina exclaimed, finding the files she had been looking for. One had no last name, but was filed with the other - “Furlan Church…” as she was opening the file, she heard the door open and Hange’s voice calling for her.

“Sarina! Sarina you have to get out of here.” Hange called out for her, as Sarina hid the files in her jacket. “Sarina… Eren… he’s still in Marley…” Hange exclaimed as soon as they locked eyes on their lover.

“What do you mean? He didn’t come back with you?” Sarina asked, unsure of what this would mean for the island of Paradis.

Hange pulled Sarina into a close hug, but pulled away quickly. “Sarina. You need to leave the military. Theres talks of an uprising. Go to your moms, or your sisters. I’ll find you when all this is over” Hange dropped to one knee, and pulled out a simple gold band. “When this is all over, We can run away somewhere. But I’m needed right now, I’m their commander.”

Sarina nodded her head, understanding. She let Hange slip the ring onto her finger, and they shared a kiss.

Sarina put in her notice to leave the military, and was back home with her mother within a few days. She hadn’t seen Hange since that night – since they became commander, they hadn’t had as much time and insisted Sarina stay as safe as she could.

854: Post-Rumbling.

Sarina rifled through the stack of letters, looking for anything with her name on it. As she neared the end of the pile, she resigned herself that it would be a while until she heard from Hange. She knew all the things they were facing in Paradis, and she understood that Hange would likely be a target of the Yeagerists. At the end of the stack, there was dark green envelope – elaborate and perfect handwriting in gold ink. Addressed to Sarina. She ripped open the letter with haste – That’s the scout symbol on the seal… that’s not Hanges writing… - Sarina could feel the tears in her eyes, the weight of the ring on her finger suddenly heavy.

As she read the words in front of her, Tears flowed from her eyes.


I never thought I’d have to be writing this. I always thought this would be the other way around.

Hange is dead.

They died, selflessly serving their country, and ensuring the fate of the world.

There’s no body to bury. The Queen is going to be holding a small funeral ceremony for them and the others in Mitras. I understand if you don’t want to be there, but I had to let you know.

I don’t really know what else to say. I’ve enclosed the information for the service.

I would say I hope you’re doing well, But I know you’re not.

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