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Sarina's gaze softened, and her hands reached down to Anya's face. She wiped away the tears on her sister's face with her sleeve. "You've been through so much sis, it's okay..." Sarina knelt down to Sarina, and held her close to her chest. "I didn't know you were pregnant...what child..." Sarina started, and Anya let out a sigh.


Sarina held her sister as she recounted every detail, as Anya cried in her arms. Anya could smell the alcohol on her breath, but it didn't bother her as much as it normally would. Sarina placed her hand on Anya's chin, and raised her head to look at her – Tear filled eyes of ocean blue meeting her own eyes of amber and honey.

"Anya, I know it's hard, but you have to trust me. Please. Come to the bar" Sarina's voice was a whisper, comforting and soft.

Anya pleaded with her eyes, A look Sarina had never seen from her sister. "Why? Tell me. Please. I hate surprises. Surprises are bad. Surprises hurt"

"Look it just... It has to be a surprise. Just in case I'm wrong. I can't..." Sarina sniffled, wiping tears from her eyes. "I can't tell you okay?" Deep down inside, Sarina knew she could just be honest – she was sure – This had to be the same Levi. But doubt plagued her mind because she knew nothing in life could possibly be that easy - How many times had Sarina brough him around? How many times had Hange brought him around? How many times were they minutes, probably seconds – away from running into each other?

Anya wiped away her own remaining tears on her sleeve and stood up. "Then I'm not going." She made her way to the door, and slammed it closed behind her.

Sarina was in shock. "Get back here you god damn stubborn ass, hypocritical, unobservant, vapid fucking bitch!" She shouted to Anya, who was making her way to the front of the store. "Give me one good reason why you can't just walk down the fucking block for me? Not even for me, for yourself."

"because unlike you" – Anya turned around with venom in her voice, "I can't lay around and be a heartbroken drunk." Anya motioned to the store, and her employees. "I have responsibilities Sarina. I don't get to lay around and mourn for three years, I don't get to live with mom and drink until I can't think about anything –" Anya was stopped by the shock and sting of Sarina's slap. Rebekah was staring daggers at Sarina, and the patrons started making their way out.

"listen here, you fucking obstinate little shit" Sarina looked at Anya dead in the eyes, not daring to break contact now that her sister was holding a hand over her reddened face. She reached into her jacket, and pulled out the two files she grabbed from home before making her way to the bar, slamming them onto a table. "Furlan is dead. He;s long dead." Sarina pointed to the death certificate in the file, before flinging open the other file. "You decided what to do with this information. I'm sure it's the same Levi, I'm positive – because I know him. It just took me a while to put together"

Anya was taken a back. She couldn't believe the words she was hearing. Furlan was dead. But Levi was alive? And he knew Sarina? That means he knew Hange, that means he knew Erwin. She didn't know what to believe anymore. Anya could feel everything she believed for the last 22 years shattering in front of her very eyes. "Sarina... If its true..." she started, tears forming in her eyes as her self-doubt crept in. "If its true... he wouldn't want to see me." Anya took her sleeve, wiping away her tears again. "He's probably moved on. He wouldn't want to see me. There's" Anya choked on her words, trying to stop herself from letting out all the pain she had been holding inside "theres no way he'd still love me."

Sarina sighed, and raised her hand to slap Anya again, stopping herself. "You really are the most stubborn little shit you know that?"

Anya couldn't find the words to respond as she picked up the file that lacked a last name and read it to herself. She couldn't deny that every piece of information would match up, perfectly – to Levi. To her Levi. "If it's him... Why didn't Hange say something? Why didn't Erwin say something?"

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