Conformation: The Arrival of The Doctor

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Levi sighed as he opened the door for the doctor, a short young woman with glasses and short, messy, sandy brown hair. Something about her reminded him of Anya, and Hange, and Erwin. She looked exhausted, and Levi knew this to be Historia's personal doctor - the one who delivered her daughter. "Come in," he said in a harsh voice as he motioned to the bed, where Anya had been laying for the entirety of the day. She was finally asleep, and he feared waking her, sleep was going to be impossible for them both through that night - both because nightmares plagued her everytime she closed her eyes, and because of the goddamned pain. Finally, she had given in and gotten her much needed rest, and here was this woman to wake her from the peaceful slumber he had finally lull'ed her into.

The pain was so immense, he spent most of the night comforting her, never once leaving her side as he ordered one of Historia's maids to bring her her hot water bottles to lay on the area that hurt so much more than the multiple broken ribs she surely suffered, to bring her tea, and to bring her fresh towels for the bleeding that didn't seem to stop . He'd seen so much blood throughout his life, but never had he imagined he'd be seeing her blood in such capacity - not like this. God , not like this. He would do anything to stop the bleeding and the pain. If he was told he could stop it by moving heaven and earth, he would. He would go up against God himself if it meant he could even have the possibility of taking away her pain.

His sweet Anya didn't deserve this pain. She didn't deserve any of this.

Stronger even than the physical pain, was the emotional suffering. They didn't need a doctor to come confirm what they already knew, but both Mikasa and Historia insisted - Mikasa saying she had a right to know what happened to her cousin . It made his blood boil. Insolent brat... he thought. He could feel in his bones what the doctor was surely going to say, and he knew how much it would break both of them to hear. He knew that in the very moment it was all confirmed, his composure would fade to black as he saw red, storming down those damn basement stairs to soak the floors with the blood of those pigs before he watched the life fade from their eyes.

He knew his Anya would begin crying again, and blame herself again. He knew she would be a mess. He knew her heart would break - and truth be told, so would his. He knew that if he didn't get to those swine first, she'd make her way out of bed in spite of the physical pain to torture them until they begged for mercy a million times over - and that wouldn't stop her. He knew that she had no mercy for them. The ways in which his sweet little Anya could come up with to torture them chilled him to the bone. As sadistic as he was - he knew she could be so, so very much worse. There was a part of him that felt bad for the others, the things they'd hear and likely see when she finally made her way down to that basement. Surely, it would be worse than anything his mind could cook up. ' My little psycho ' he thought to himself, a smile threatening to form at the corners of his lips as he thought back to the days he would call her that lovingly.

He was quickly taken away from his momentary daydream by the doctor's voice. "Mr Ackerman, my name is Doctor Burgess. Considering she is asleep - do you happen to know some of her basic information?" Levi nodded, unsure of what questions she could have for her, but sure that they couldn't be too tough to answer.

"Blood type?" Doctor Burgess, looking him up and down.


"Emergency contact?"


"Marital status?"

He froze. "... engaged" hopefully soon anyway he thought

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