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"What's taking them so long?" Levi asked as he glared hopelessly at the door. His thoughts were racing. What if something happened? What if they couldn't find her? What if we gave them even more hostages by sending them there? What if she's already dead? He let out a pained sigh as he poured another glass of whiskey. "They should have been back by now..."

Annie and Mikasa were leaning on each other, heads on each other's shoulders as they sat on the floor of the cramped room. They were roused from their naps quite easily, rubbing their eyes as they turned to the rest of the room. After discovering most everyone was still asleep, they both closed their eyes again.

"It's been hours. What are they up to?" Levi grumbled as he looked at the only two others still awake. Reiner and Falco shrugged. Everyone else was asleep on the floor or couch, exhausted from doing absolutely nothing for the last 6 hours.

It didn't take long for Sarina and Anya to find the room that the redhead and blonde men shared. They followed them around the building for what Armin had deemed much too long. It was easy for them to lure four more guards outside using Anya's charms and beauty, and now all six of them were together, disguised, and tracking down the men who had so viciously violated Anya.

It was nearing the end of the shift for the guards, which meant they didn't have much time left. As soon as they watched the two men head towards the room for bed, they knew the plan would work. Jean and Armin were already inside, each one in a closet. Anya and Sarina were down the hall, waiting to watch them go in and pretending to chat. On the other side of the hall, Hitch and Connie were pretending to be two drunken Yeagerists talking.

The two men made their way to their room, not even able to fully make it to their beds before they heard a knock on the door. To their surprise, there stood a 150cm young woman with white hair and eyes that rivaled the brightest blue the sky could muster, and a 162 cm woman with messy brown hair and eyes that looked like melted chocolate and honey. "Oh, fuck" the redhead exclaimed, looking towards the blonde as he heard a thumping sound. He saw his friend already on the floor, Jean holding a rifle in one hand and a rag placed over the blonde's mouth with the other. Before he could think of what to do, his hand reached for his pistol.

The blunt end of Armin's rifle found the back of his head immediately. He could smell the faint scent of ether, as he tasted a sweetness in the back of his throat. The last thing he saw was the devious grin on Anya's face as she winked at him. "Pig" she laughed as she gathered the rope from behind her back.

Once the men were unconscious, Connie, Hitch, and Jean made their way to the back door. They found the carriage they had hid in an alleyway, out of sight from the Yeagerist hideouts and tucked behind a bar.

Armin, Anya,and Sarina quickly tied the men up, restraining them so not a muscle could move without immense pain, Sarina blindfolded them using their pillowcases and made a makeshift gag out some rope and balled up towels, stuffing them in the mens mouths before they could wake up. Once the men were secure, Sarina climbed out of the window waiting to signal Connie and Jean to where they were. As soon as they saw the carriage, Armin and Sarina tossed the bodies down from the second story roof one at a time, Jean and Connie catching them and roughly throwing them into the carriage. They ignored the knocking at the door, an unfamiliar voice signaling that the two men were needed in their commanders quarters. Armin jumped down first, with Sarina following suit.

As the door unlocked and opened, the person on the other side caught a glimpse of Anya jumping off the roof and into Sarina's arms. They ran through the now disheveled room to the window, watching as Hitch steered the carriage away and towards the palace..

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