How Fate Almost Brought Me to You

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Levi looked up at the simple building, wondering why it looked so damn familiar. He let out a long sigh, and looked towards Falco and Gabi, who were bickering about what corner they were supposed to turn next. "we're here" he said in his usual flat tone, pointing to the sign hanging above the bar.

Both Gabi and Falco double checked the location, before turning the map upside down and nodding. Gabi was the first to speak "Well, are you ready old man?" she asked with a grin, opening the door as Falco pushed the wheelchair inside. No one knew quite what to expect, but they weren't ready for the plump woman behind the bar to run up to them and hold the door open.

Levi looked around, frantically searching for a lock of white hair or the cheery laugh he once knew. What is eyes found instead were empty tables, and a few employees cleaning. Noticing his searching eyes, the plump woman smiled. "I haven't seen you all here before. I'm the owner, but I'm sorry to inform you – we aren't quite open for the day yet."

Gabi and Falco shared a knowing look, as Levi's mouth hung agape, unsure of what to say or how to introduce himself. He wasn't a solider anymore, he wasn't 'humanity's strongest' anymore, He was just Levi and he was only there to get answer's to questions he thought he'd never have answered. A million thing's swirled in his head. Is she here? Is this her mother? Is this her husbands mother? Is she married? Why does this place look so familiar? He couldn't form words with everything swirling in his head, so Falco chose to do so for him.

"Hello Ma'am. We're actually here because we received a letter asking us to come here" Falco motioned downwards for Levi, who held out the piece of paper while averting his eyes. Falco raised his voice – much too loud for the occasion and bowed slightly. "This man is Captain – I mean, Levi Ackerman." Falco noticed his mistake as he heard an audible 'tch' from Levi, who was now glaring daggers at the boy.

Levi stared daggers at Falco, who didn't notice due to being distracted by Gabi's giggle. "I can introduce myself you brat." Levi began, but was cut off by a familiar figure walking towards him, shorter than him, short curls of messy hair, glasses, and a drunken swagger. He could recognize Sarina in a crowd without hesitation, mainly because he was forced to spend so much time with her during his time in the scouts.

"No shit. Levi." Sarina smiled as she looked at him "took you long enough to come visit me" she snickered and looked him up and down. "It's been years man! I'm so happy you came to catch up!" Sarina was elated to see Levi, and looked towards her mother. "Mom, this is Captain Levi! I told you about him! He was Hange's friend!" her voice had a slur to it, and Levi noticed she smelled of liquor.

The plump woman bowed, "It's an honor Captain" she said humbly, "I'm Noel, and I am the owner here. You are welcome here anytime! Open or not!" She smiled and gave Levi a knowing look. "Sarina, why don't you take these honored guests to the party room? I can call for your sister"

Sarina looked confused and had hurt in her eyes. "Aye, mom. You don't have to call her every time someone important walks through the door. I can entertain MY guests well enough." She looked down, the rejection clear on her face. "Besides, doesn't she have to go bake a fucking cake or something?"

Noel gave her daughter a stern look, "Sarina, these are not YOUR guests." She glanced at Levi, who grumbled as he handed Sarina the letter. Her eyes lit up as she read, and she let out a burst of laughter, as Levi looked noticeably upset.

"I knew it was a fucking joke. God-fucking-damnit Sarina." Levi motioned to the door, his usual instruction to Gabi and Falco that he wanted to leave. "You're an adult, act like one." He tried to hide the look of embarrassment on his face but couldn't hold it back. "I knew it was too good to be true".

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