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Year 844, one week after Isabel & Furlan's deaths

Anya looked around the bar and sighed as she cleaned up the remnants of the prior nights' drunken fights and feuds among the patrons. Broken glass and the smell of stale beer hanging in the air had simply become a part of her morning routine, something she had long since gotten used to. It was almost time for her to open the doors, allowing the morning regulars to shuffle in for their first drink of the day. Oh, how she longed for something to break the monotony of her recent life. Soon, it would be ten years of her being with the Vomans, and the closer it got to that milestone the more anxious she was, the angrier she was, the more hurt she was.

Every now and then, while visiting the innermost territory of Wall Sina, she would stare at the passageway to the underground and wonder what she possibly could have done that made her so unwanted and unloved by the people she once loved so dearly and truly. She never heard back from the letter her mother had sent for her after finding out she was pregnant, and neither Levi nor Furlan showed up to take up her mother on the offer of citizenship. Anya secretly hoped that even if she couldn't be with him, that Levi would at least show up so he could have a better chance at life. Her mother kept telling her that maybe they didn't get he letter, and that maybe they should try again – but knowing Esther, the message was delivered – and she knew the letter was received because of her unfortunate run-in with her uncle. She wondered if her cousin Esther, and by extension Levi & Furlan, really hadn't gotten the letter. Deep inside her, she longed to know what happened to all of them during the time she's been away. Anya shook her head, attempting to rid herself of the intrusive thoughts once more. I can't think like that. She thought to herself – if they loved me, they would have came that day, She wrote down her intrusive thoughts in her small brown leather book that her mother gave to her, Where she would keep track of her days, moods, and anything that plagued her thoughts.

Her mother's voice hollered from the back of the kitchen - "It's time to open girls!", and Anya responded with a simple, sweet "Yes mom!" as she checked for the knife in her waistband before unlocking the door. After the incident with her uncle, she could never be too sure of her safety. Sarina's eyes were glazed over, sitting behind the bar and pretending to be interested in a book.

For the first hour the bar was opened, no patrons came through the doors. It took Anya off guard when the bell above the door rang. Anya looked up from her book to find a statuesque man in a wide brimmed hat sitting at the counter, his face partially obstructed by his hat and the bandana around his neck. Something about this man's presence left Anya feeling at ease, and she immediately took precedence over Sarina to approach him.

"What can I get for you today sir?" She asked in her best service professional voice.

"Anya dear you don't have to use that shitty voice with me" The man responded, taking off his hat to reveal a familiar, but now even more worn down face.

"Kenny!" Anya exclaimed, practically jumping over the bar to get to him quickly "Kenny what are you doing here? I read in the papers that you're..." she brought her voice down to a whisper "wanted for killing all those MP's" She wrapped her arms around him in a familiar hug,

"don't you worry about that kiddo! I just got a shiny new position, training some of their wannabe 'soliders' and makin em into real fighters, to keep our true king safe." He looked at her bright blue eyes, and saw the sadness that lay under the surface. "I came here to give you some news, but before we talk about that, how have you been darling?"

Anya sighed, taking a seat next to Kenny at the bar. "Sarina, a whiskey on the rocks for this gentleman and my tea please" she spoke at her bored sister, before turning her attention back to Kenny. "So much has happened, I don't even know where to start....last time I saw you was before I came here."

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