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"So old man, You ready?" Gabi asked as she watched Levi fiddle with his outfit in the mirror, meticulously buttoning and unbuttoning the top two buttons of his black button-down shirt, varying between pushing back his hair or letting it fall to the sides of face, and trying on different jackets until he found the absolute perfect match. He let out a long sigh, examining himself in the mirror while his teenage accomplices sat in awe of the insecurity their mentor was showing to them. "What if she think's I'm ugly now?" He looked at the two teenagers sitting on the couch and touched the scar that ran down the length of his face and stared at the wheelchair he now had to sporadically use "I'm not the same person I used to be".

Gabi let out a chuckle and walked up to her mentor and friend. "Levi, It's going to be fine" she tried her best to have a comforting tone, even though she had no idea what to expect from the day. She noticed that he was starting to tear up, and her instincts guided her to wipe the droplets forming in the corners of his eyes, giving him a compassionate look "You have nothing to be insecure about".

Falco stood up and joined his girlfriend and mentor in front of the mirror, helping Levi to adjust the tie he settled on to be perfectly straight and in lined with the buttons of his shirt. "You know, you never really told us about her..." Falco sounded hesitant, but Levi picked up on the genuine interest in his voice. "Yeah, aside from what was in the letter – we don't know much about her" Gabi spoke up, now obsessing over Falco's outfit looking as nice as her's and Levi's.

"tch. What do you want to know?" Levi's eyes darted away from the pair, subconsciously hoping that they wouldn't ask about anything too painful.

Gabi was the first to speak up – "Well... What was she like?"

Year: 833, Winter

Levi and Furlan looked on from the dark alley as Anya spoke to an older, overweight man who was dressed far too nicely to be from the underground – there was no doubt in her mind when she chose her target that he was no better than the rest of the 'tourists' as they called them, coming from above to do their dirtiest businesses in the underground. Levi and Furlan watched as she faked a giggle and started leading him into the alleyway where they were waiting for their target to be vulnerable. Even though Anya had acted as bait many times before and was walking more than arm's length to the side of the man, he was implicit in trying to make a pass at her – it made Levi's blood boil. Before he knew it, the man hand grabbed Anya arm and was attempting to overpower her. Anya let out a cough followed by a simple sign with her right hand, the signal to Levi and Furlan that she was uncomfortable, and they needed to make a move quicky or she was going to act on her accord. Without a second thought, Levi walked behind the man and held his knife to his throat as Furlan moved to the front of the man.

"Fancy clothes mister. If you don't want them to get stained, hand's off the girl and hand over everything you've got." Furlan while standing on tip-toes to look him in the eye.

"you fucking harlot!" the man hissed in Anya's direction, still not letting go of his grip. Anya reached her free hand to her waistband, and drew her own blade – a small knife, but with an edge as sharp as a razor.

"If you still want to keep that hand, I suggest you let go of me." Her tone shifted from being a sweet, innocent girl to dark, seething with anger and hatred – She moved her blade to the top of his wrist, and he immediately let go.

"Fine!" he huffed, and using the hand that moments ago was on Anya, he fished for his wallet. Once he found it, he handed the entire thing to Furlan – who counted up the money inside.

"That's it?" he asked discontentedly. "Well this just won't do" He smirked, Watching as Anya took off the watch on his wrist and the rings he wore as a symbol of his wealth – one for almost each and every finger. "on second thought, I think with these additional... ahem.. contributions... you have made this worth our while" Furlan smiled as Anya handed everything over to him, drawing her knife to the man's face and caressing it roughly until she reached his mouth, opening it slightly and pressing the blade to his tounge with care.

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