*Bonus update* AU- "What if we were the ones born in Marley?"

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A/N : 

Considering Koulakoukoula been making us all cry these past few weeks, and I know *some* of what she has in store for us....

Karma, Sandy. KARMA.

JK I love you bestie.

buckle up for some real sad feels.

**** This chapter is an AU where our OC & Levi were born in Marley, instead of Paradis. The answer to Anya's question in the last chapter -

"What if we were the ones born in Marley?" ****

End of A/N

Levi sighed as he approached the doorway. How am I going to tell her this? He thought to himself, as he creaked the door open slowly. His eyes scanned the living room first, and he couldn't help the panic when none of them were to be found. No five-year-old twin girls sleeping on the couch, no three-year-old boy devouring food at their small dining table, no one-year-old little girl in her highchair, and no seven-month pregnant wife watching over them all. His heart stopped for a moment - anytime he walked through that door and he didn't see their faces, he instinctively panicked. The last time he came home to an empty house, his bastard father had somehow convinced those soldiers his darling mother was in on his traitorous behavior - and he never saw either again.

As fast as his legs could carry him, he made his way to the empty kitchen. There, he found some relief in the sight of the passed out uncle who raised him - sleepy with a cup of coffee, now cold, in front of him as his head lay on the newspaper splayed on the table. Levi let out a sigh of relief. If Kenny was here, that meant they were all safe. He knew the man that raised him and saved him from his father's stupidity would defend his wife and children with his life.

He made his way to the bedroom, and smiled at the sight in front of him - his girls, curled up next to each other on one side of their mother. His son, on the other side of her. His darling youngest girl, laying across her mother's lap. And his wife - his beautiful, sweet Anya, laying sat up against the headboard. She fluttered her eyes open at the sound and smiled. Gods, how he adored that smile and loved her beautiful eyes.

How am I going to tell her?

That smile that made him laugh in his darkest moments, those eyes that cried with him when he was left alone. She had been there for him through all his lows and all his highs, for as long as he could remember. He had been there for her through her losing her own family - when Kenny took her in, and helped raise her. They'd laughed together, cried together, been right next to each other. Hell, he could clearly recall the exact moment he told their superiors to not let her stay a part of this war and kick her out of the program - and the scolding he got from her afterwards. He could remember the day they went from friends to lovers, and the day they went from lovers to Husband and Wife. She loved every one of his flaws, every one of his insecurities, every piece of him he hated - she loved. She loved him from the moment she met him at only seven-years-old. She washed away every doubt he ever had about himself, she took away all his insecurities. She loved him through it all, and loved him no matter the cost to the both of them.

For the last 23 years of his 30 years of life, they hadn't spent a day apart. Hell, they got married as soon as they turned 18. The brief moments he was away from her, he had always returned. Every war, every fight, every single moment he was gone for, he would return and spend tenfold with her before going off again.

How am I going to tell her?

She sighed contentedly, "Hey, c'mere" she said as she motioned for him to pick up his son and lay next to her. He slipped off his coat and left it on a chair. He kicked off his shoes, before he followed her instructions. The little boy rustled awake and smiled when he saw his father looking back at him. He immediately nuzzled his face in his father's chest.

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