The Horoscope Chart

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Virat Pov
We will be reaching to hospital after 20 minutes , as my mind went to the morning conversation with my father.I got to know that Raghuvender Uncle is not feeling well." You should start taking care of Naina's family . Soon you will be their son -inlaw , I don't want them to thinking that you are irresponsible and ill mannered." he order me to pay visit to him.
"The girl resembles Jaishree alot that the only reason I am so amend on marrying to her. " I smirked ." She is not like her .She is not even close to her illusion " I deadpanned ."I don't know what you saw in her to be my bride .She doesn't know our culture and traditions .Even she is not gonna bring any benefits to your political carrer.Girls like her wouldn't able to survive one day in our world ." he pacify his father.
" It's not about fame or wealth son. We already having alot but We will see to it. I made this decision deliberately .I am not answerable to you for my decision ." Devender replied .

He was discharged and is healing from his heart problems .I was little unusual that he didn't told his family about it .But it's his personal matter .I should not poke my nose in between it.We discussed that my father wants the engagement soon and next Sunday is perfect day for this occasion . Preist has asked for Naina horoscope chart. As my crown cermony will took place after 3 months . Only if only I pass all the stages.
We want to wrap this wedding drama in 1 month from now .As we are having alots of rituals in our rajasthani culture .
I was about to ask for Naina's horoscope chart when my phone started ringing to which I replied . I was not shocked but I was expecting this incident after that shekhawat engagement .she is little slow .Though I was not required but I wanted to let Raghuvender uncle show her daughter evil doing .while I explained him the situation and how bad effect will it cause on my fathers political career . Hehe "I know I being a fucking ass but I can't manhandle her ."This is the right thing.
The nerves of this girl.I really want to kill her right now for her disrespectful act.If my father knows about this he surely will be disappointed with me not from her God I sound childish but he is my father .Who care.......... I really put a reminder for she did an unforgivable mistake ."Poor girl.........Didn't anyone told her it would be waste of time to launch a complaint against me.
" Wrong move Naina" nobody can safe you from me now.But first let her father deal with her.

Naina Pov
How ? How could that inspector do that to us????.
I get it now it just waste of time and on the top of it nobody is feeling sympathize with my situation .Even Niranjan is saying I did wrong .
Ooh God please help me.what happening to people around me???.Can't they see we are not meant to be together .We are totally opposite personality .I think they don't understand "Apart being together one should also search for their happiness with that togetherness ."
All these questions are making me insane .
A shiver ran through my spine and a one tear glide down from my eye." A relationship without enthusiasm is moon without star.
I am being selfish .........................My thoughts we distracted by the knock on my door .I knew very well who is there.
I got up and open the door .I was not able to met my father's eyes all becoz of that Richie Rich." I know you are not happy with kinship Naina .What happened to you .You never ever behaved this way."
" yeah , becoz nobody has forced marriage on me before. Even if tell you what that asshole did you wouldn't be believing me" my subconscious mocked me.I was expecting his outbursts but to my surprise he didn't .
"What you did was totally wrong .I would have support you for anything in this world but not this .I am very embarrassed with that stunt of yours .
I want you to apologize to Virat. I don't want you to repeat this mistake again." I knew this way coming .
"This all he wants then fine I will apologize ". Naina said annoyingly .
"One more thing , Naina we will be returning Zirakpur tomorrow .We fixed your engagement with Virat next week . I'm begging you to stop farce .He is nice guy when he found that I was not feeling well he came to meet me ." he told me in a heavy voice.
That when I felt bad and guilty that how selfish I am.I am hurting my family in all this mess.They are innocent and know nothing about that devil .I should stop hurting my loveone's afterall they are my treasure of happiness .
I hugged my father and cried for my misbehviour.I asked him how he feeling and what happened to him.I love my father more than anything in this world even after what happened .He is my weakness and strength both . He is strongest pillar of my life whom I can rely on in my worst time .I love my family no matter how crucial issue occur .That what I have learned from my family ."We Arora are known for love and psychedelic bonds".Fact is that "In front of my family I lost my battle" .
But that doesn't mean I will change my goal.No but I will change my path for sure.
Without hurting my family .
" Stay as you are and follow your instinct .
Even if they say you're nothing
Do it for yourself !
Even if you fall, raise your head and look ahead .
Show them that this is your dream and you'll live it."
I mentally noted to apologize to virat.Let him be happy on his small victory.You never know what will happen next, he might end up crying in own game.

Few minutes later.
I went to the corridor where Virat was talking to Niranjan.I was going to talk to him."Fine .......I will be apologizing "my subconscious mocked me.Niranjan gesture to me to wait on waiting room for 2 min to which virat turned back to see me.
I know he is also going to repeat the same lecture .
I made myself comfortable on maroon single sofa.I was thing of a way to apologize and where to start.
My thoughts were distrub by clearing throat of someone .I glance in the direction of door only to met my orbs with black which speaks volumes and his passive expression .I got lost in the depth of his eyes. I didn't noticed when he got settle beside me so closed .He is taller about 6 feet and muscular man.I would love to admire his well built body if he wouldn't have behaved as snob.

Virat pov
"Whenever I lay my eyes on her, my thoughts revolve only around our future ."
She is weak , pathetic , docile , intervort and totally opposite of my taste that what I got to know about her after talking with shekhawat's heir.
Her brows furrowed slightly when she saw me.I don't know why her eyes feel familiar to me may be because of her unique hazel brown orbs which add stars to her beauty .Yeah We don't meet hazel eyes girls in India on daily base.Our eyes met and I gave her my cold expression .I won't deny the fact she is beautiful in her own way.If she won't i would have not even tried to threaten her.
I know she did this stunt to gather my attention but in her dreams I'm not gonna do that.
I got settled on the small sofa with her.Before she could decipher the meaning of my expression I leaned down to her level. Yeah she is small around 5'4 and I am 6 feet tall.
" I am lacking time Naina , speak fast" I said in her ear.I can clearly see the way I have effect on her.A shiver sent up her spine and her eyes widened in fear.
She stammeredly apologize to me to which I was impressed .I knew it was totally not her idea to apologize .It is clearly written on her face , her eyes are mirror of her soul.
I can see through from them she was struggling the urge to strangle my neck.
I hate people hypocrisy .She no special I knew that is just physical attraction nothing more I will be soon getting over it.
I want scare her to death so that I can focus on my main goal .she is just paw in my game .She would be like trophy wife beside me.I know I'm being harass on her but tthis how I'm and she have to deal it .
Neverthweless I wanted to that bangle girl in life.My heart keep yearning to her glimpse for once . That day was the turning point for me. Just because I know what I want doesn't mean that I always get it. But atleast I'm honest with it.
Even with the break of dawn , who I am won't change.
I Virat Singh Rathore won't be changing for anyone .

Queen of my Heart ❤️ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora