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Percy was in his prison cell, chained to the wall as he always had been. Silver whispered things into his ear as he violated him.

Percy wanted to scream but he wouldn't give Silver any more satisfaction. Percy remembered back to Smelly Gabe, how his ex-stepfather did this to him almost every night as a child.

Percy heard Silver zip back his pants before he came and hit Percy in the face.

Silver grinned and licked his lips.
"We have something fun planned for you, Percy. Made some money with you."

Percy's throat felt dry from lack of water but he managed to rasp out, "What are you talking about?"
"Who do you think? Some old friends of ours. They're excited to meet the famous Percy Jackson."
Silver laughed and left.

Percy woke up in cold sweat as he relived yet again, that memory. Annabeth was cuddled next to him, her snores soft.

Percy flashbacked to how he was forced to lie with multiple men and women, just to earn money for Order 7. Used multiple times.

Percy couldn't help but think of it as his girlfriend's hand rested on his bare stomach. His breathing got heavy and he knew he was about to have an attack.

Percy gently got out of bed and left her, sound asleep. He gave her a kiss on the cheek before he pulled on a shirt and snuck out of the cabin.

Percy looked at the sun that was barely coming up. It was a couple of hours away from breakfast. Percy looked down at his shaking hands, his quick breathing. His mind went back to what happened those nights.

He cried as he ran to the lake. The one place he could focus and concentrate.

Percy crumbled on the deck and stared at his face in the dark reflection of the lake, barely visible.

His shoulders shuddered, and he struggled to keep his sobs quiet to avoid disturbing others.

His heart raced, his hands shook violently, his mind wouldn't stop replaying as if someone was purposely pressing a rewind button on a remote control.

"Dad." he whimpered. "Please."

Percy pulled at his hair and dug his nails into the palms of his hands.

He hardly registered the person who sat beside him.

Percy jumped when there was a hand placed on his shoulder.

Percy looked up and was face to face with Poseidon. His black beard, his Hawaiian outfit.

"D...dad..." Percy choked.

Poseidon looked calm, but Percy saw the sadness underneath.

"Please. Help me." Percy whispered.

Poseidon pulled his son close.

"I'm sorry, my son." the old sea-god said into Percy's ear.

Percy cried on his father's shoulder, not caring that his dad hadn't been there to see him after the captivity. Not caring he had resentment towards his father.

None of that mattered. Percy's dad had answered when he called for help. And he was there with him when Percy needed him.

"It won't stop. The nightmares won't stop, Dad." Percy whimpered.

"Shh. I know, my son. I know. I'm sorry for everything. I should have come sooner. But Zeus would refuse me to do so."
"Then how are you here?"
"Sometimes, family is worth the risk, Percy."

Poseidon pulled away and put his hands on Percy's face.
"I tried. I tried to find you, Perseus. But that magic of Red Blood is too powerful."
"I know. I don't blame you, dad. I'm not mad, I swear."
"Again, I am sorry."
Percy lost count of how long his father held him. But thunder boomed in the distance which interrupted the two.

Poseidon pulled away.

"I'm sorry, Percy. Zeus is looking for me."
He hands Percy a cup of salt water, Percy not bothering to ask where it came from.

"I want you to drink this when you're ready, Percy. Then jump into the lake for two minutes."
"What? Why?"
"Trust me, Son. Least I could do."
Poseidon jumped into the Lake and disappeared underwater.

Percy fiddled with the cup.

Annabeth came up behind him as he drank it.

Percy stood and turned to her.

He didn't say anything but jumped into the lake. Annabeth cried out, but he went under before he could hear what she said.

Percy stayed under and he fought to breathe. What was that saltwater for? A trick? Just his dad giving him something to represent his saltiness towards how stupid his son was?

Percy heard Annabeth jump in but he swam away before she could pull him up.

However, Percy finally opened his mouth to breathe out of nature as a son of the sea.

Percy almost yelped. He was breathing! He put his hands out and moved them through the water.

He concentrated and made a water bubble.

Percy grinned.

"Thanks, Dad." He smiled.

Percy grabbed Annabeth, who had swam towards him and pulled her inside the bubble.

"Percy! You terrified me!" She screamed, then stopped short when she realized she was breathing underwater. "What..."
Percy told her of the encounter with Poseidon.

Percy hugged her and began to cry out of relief for having the sense of being a son of the sea back. Ever since he lost his powers, it was as if a piece of him was broken. Why wouldn't it? He was half seagod after all. But now, he felt more alive, more alert. the water seemed to give him strength again.

Annabeth kisses him.

"I'm happy for you. But tell me you're leaving the cabin next time."

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