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Percy seriously wanted to just die. He just came back from...he didn't even know what it was. They leaned him up against a wall and shot him with a new gadget that one of the scientists invented. It was a mix of electricity and fire, meant to kill or just be super painful.

Percy's skin was burned from the fire and black with soot.

He never imagined he'd know more pain than what he already felt. But he was proven wrong. It was horrible.

He stood in his normal position again, chained and unable to really move at all.

Then, something, Percy was almost confused by happened.

He felt something inside. As if there was a doctor watching his heartbeat. It was gone in seconds, but Percy felt it before. Someone was reaching out to him.

There was a small rumble, and at his feet, a small bone, probably a finger, popped up from the ground, making a small hole in the concrete.


Percy tried to tap the bone with his foot, but he couldn't reach it.

As the door opened, the bone disappeared, leaving a crack in the concrete floor.

Silver walked in with a whip and a crowbar in his hands.

"You must have loved that last thing they did to you. That doesn't mean you're missing your daily whipping."

Percy didn't even react as he was hit over and over again. He had turned numb to it at this point.

An hour later, Silver stood in front of him, slapping Percy's face with the crowbar for maybe thirty minutes.

"Alright! See you tomorrow, son of the sea."

Silver left Percy alone for the night.

Percy had been drifting in and out of consciousness for the past three days when two guards walked in, carrying a body-sized wooden board between them.

"Put him on top of it." One ordered, as the other unchained Percy, shoving him against the board. Percy looked up almost horrified as one held a screw gun. The other guard pulled Percy's arm to his side, making sure it was flat against the surface. The one with the screw gun positioned a screw above Percy's hand. Flesh and blood went flying as the screw impaled his palm. The same was done to his other hand,

"How does this feel?" One taunted, slamming a hammer against Percy's shin. White-hot pain seared through as bone cracked, more blood spilling from the compound fracture. They broke his other shin. Percy felt tears of pain running down his face as he screamed in agony yet again.

A third guard came in with a metal bucket, steam rising. He placed it on the ground as the other two guards left the room. Using heat-proof gloves, the guard pulled out hot red coal, smirking from under the mask he wore.

Percy jerked his head sideways, but the guard forcefully held him still. The coal touched his lips, being forced into his mouth. Percy's tongue felt like it just gulped down a chili pepper smoothie that got burned in an oven.

The coal was removed, the guard chuckling.

"Don't you love being tortured every day? Hmm?"

He pulled out a pair of scissors, snapping away at Percy's hair until he probably looked like a creep.

The guard laughed, before yanking Percy's hands up, the screws ripping out of his flesh.

"Silver should let me do this more often."

An explosion above shakes the building. "And look at that? Your friends are trying to rescue you. No worries. We know exactly where to put you before we relocate."

A bag, half the size of Percy was brought in by the other two guards, who tied him up, forced him in the bag at a painful angle. The movement sent pain through Percy's broken shins, bringing out another cry.

"None of that." The guard commanded, punching the side of Percy's face. Duct tape was forced over his mouth for a gag as they quickly hurried about, making sure he was as uncomfortable as possible.

"We'll finish up later, demigod." The guard laughed, sticking a needle into Percy's neck, dragging him into unconsciousness as the bag was zipped up, trapping Percy inside.

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