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Percy ran down a dark hallway, before turning the corner. The sight made him stop short.

Littered on the ground were the dead bodies of his loved ones.

Leo had a sword sticking out of his heart.

Piper was burned to death, her skin red and blistering from her burns, her face unidentified. Nico had a knife in his face. Jason was making a last stand against Silver, four spears embedded in his chest. Giving a last cry, Jason tried to kill Silver, but Silver stabbed Jason for the fifth time, Jason falling over dead, no more to give.

Percy tried to run over to his friend, scream, but he couldn't move, he couldn't speak.

Percy managed to turn around, his mom, Sally Jackson, standing in front of him.

"I've been so worried..."
There was a gunshot, and his mom fell dead at his feet.

"No!" Percy was able to scream. He tried to kneel, but another figure caught his eye.

Annabeth ran down the halls with Reyna, Hazel, and Frank, all four in a panic as they were chased by Red Blood.

Red Blood shot Hazel in the back, Frank crying out before getting shot in the face. Reyna attempted to spear Red Blood, but he turned her spear against her, Reyna falling over unmoving, her blood pouring from her chest.

Annabeth dodged a bullet, pulling out her knife and blocking another.

Red Blood laughed.

"You can only try so hard."

Silver walked up from behind. Before Percy could warn her, Annabeth cried out as she was shot in the stomach. Red Blood pulled out a knife, cutting off Annabeth's arm, blood going everywhere.

Silver and Red Blood laughed, continuing down the halls.

Percy collapsed by her side, pulling Annabeth into her arms as she cried out in agonizing pain.

"No. No. Annabeth, no." He cried, cradling her.

"Percy," Annabeth put a bloody hand against his cheek. "This is all your fault."

Percy blinked and he was in New York, bombs exploded, monsters ran past him, running towards an army of half-bloods.

The Empire State Building snapped in half, all the skyscrapers were burning, pieces of debris falling everywhere.

Bodies of dead half bloods littered the ground.

What shocked him most were the people approaching him: Silena, Beckendorf, Ethan, Luke, Michael, Zoe, Will, and Bianca. Each of them wore what they wore when they died. Silena's face was badly burned from when she got killed by the drakon's poison. Luke had blood spilling from when he stabbed himself in the side. Will had seven arrows in his chest. Zoe was pale, the poisonous bite glowing green. Michael, Bianca, and Beckondorf had burn marks from when they died in the different explosions. Ethan had the doers shads in his stomach, his bones seemed crushed from when he fell.

Luke approached.

"You're a disappointment, Percy Jackson."

Bianca made a weird hissing noise. "We died because of you."

"If it weren't for you, I'd still be alive," Michael growled.

"You abandoned me in the ship, Percy. We could have survived, but you ran away like a coward, leaving me behind as the ship exploded." Beckendorf spat.

"Stop it." Percy pleaded.

"I died by Kronos because you decided to change my mind. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have fallen from Olympus." Ethan said.

"If only you had been faster," Will whispered angrily. "I could have made it across the border. I would have been alive."

"You are a failure, Percy Jackson," Silena said. "You could have defeated that drakon before it killed me."

"Please, leave me alone," Percy begged as they got closer, making a circle around him.

"Failure." Luke spat in his face.

"It should have been you, not me," Bianca said.

"You have no place in the world," Zoe told him.

"So many lives sacrificed to keep you alive," Ethan said.
"Even Annabeth almost died protecting you. Several times." Beckendorf laughed.

"That's only the beginning. Remember when your dark side showed? When you tried to choke a goddess on her own poison?"
"Everyone was scared of you."

"You failed the trust you had with the other six demigods."

"Leave me alone!" Percy tried again, putting his hands against his ears as he was yelled at, trying to block out the voices calling him various names, reminding him about his failures, the dark side of him that scared Percy, kept him up at night.

The scene changed and Percy rewatched each of the deaths stored in his head. It was like a movie, skipping from scene to scene. Zoe, Bianca, Will, Luke, Beckondorf, the others, even other demigods who died in battles. All of it swarmed his brain, giving Percy a headache.

"Please!" He sobbed, falling on his knees, as the scenes ended, leaving him kneeling helplessly in the darkness.

Footsteps echoed as a shadow loomed over him. Silver smirked under his mask, pulling out a knife and gently outlining Percy's face.

"This is it, Percy."

Silver shoved Percy, and Percy fell, tumbling through a bottomless pit.

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