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Percy wasn't in that position for three days, as hoped. He was like that for a week. The blood had stopped flowing days ago. The pain obviously didn't stop, it just increased more and more by the day. His limbs cramped, his neck was stiff from the collar keeping his head in a certain position. Worst of all, Percy felt himself dying. He knew what almost dead was, he'd experienced it. He'd been in front of the Lord of the Dead, Hades, for crying out loud. But it was slowly creeping in. As much as Percy would love to just die, he knew he had to get out, get back to Annabeth no matter what the cost.

Another day rolled along, making it eight days. The only good thing was the medium-sized cup of water he got three days ago. But his lips were still dry, and it had been at least two weeks since he'd eaten something.

The door finally opened and a guard came in, pulling out the nails painfully. Percy still couldn't move, but when the neck collar was removed, he collapsed on top of the dry bloodstains. He glanced at the new holes in his skin, the flesh he could see through a bloody mess inside.

The guard cuffed Percy's hands behind his back before forcing him to his feet. Percy was led out into the hall, but every step, Percy about collapsed. The guard kept him up though, not letting go of his tight grip on Percy's arm.

Silver opened a door, motioning them inside. "Set him up and go back to your post."
"Yes, sir." The guard responded, uncuffing Percy and laying him down on his stomach, right in front of more dangling chains. The guard cuffed Percy's ankles and wrists before getting up. Percy felt a tug, and he was lifted off the ground, dangling by the chains about three feet in the air.

Silver stood beside him.

"Now that your punishment is over, we have an experiment needing someone as a test subject. I know you've had a rough week, but stay alive so we don't have to restart on another one of your friends. You drank fire before with Annabeth when in Tartarus... That is nothing compared to what this scientist created."
Percy watched him leave, closing the door behind him. There was a buzzing noise, and the floor below turned bright red. Percy immediately felt burning heat. There was a groan above him, and water rained down. It wasn't cold. It had to be about 200 degrees, maybe more. It hit Percy's back, sending burning pains through him. He cried out in pain all over again, crying for someone to stop it. Stop torturing him. It was so painful. It was like the nails were non-stop being stabbed all over his body, not just the limbs. The water below was bubbling, rising closer and closer. Percy knew it was going to reach him any minute now. He felt it touch him, splashing upward, and it got closer and closer. It was ten times hotter than what was spraying down on him. The boiling water rose an inch over his skin.

"No. please." Percy whimpered, as the boiling water went over his head. His ears popped, his eyes stun, his skin burned in the water. This is how it was to drown. He was going to drown. Just as he was about to lose a hopeless battle for his life, the water drained in seconds. Percy hung there, gasping for air. An invisible flame seemed to spread through him, the metal on his wrists and ankles burned into his skin. Percy blacked out.

Percy came to by a slash across his back. He was back in his old cell, standing with his wrists and ankles cuffed like the first time he was brought in here. Silver stood behind him no doubt, as the whip hit him in the back again.

Percy groaned.

"Finally. It woke you up." Silver grumbled.
Percy focused his vision on what was going on. He looked down and gasped at the burn marks covering his skin.

"You've been unconscious three days, Percy. Had to force-feed you so you wouldn't starve to death in your sleep."
Silver hit him again.

"That was impressive out there, how long you stayed conscious. I assure you it hurt, but things could be worse. Oh wait, they will get worse."
The whip hit him again before Silver complained about how his arm hurt. He walked to the door.

"Red Blood asked to come see you. Of course, he can. Get some quality time with our boss."
Silver walked out. Percy looked at the scars from the nails running down his arms. They looked terrible. He felt miserable. Percy just wanted to go home to camp. To his mom. It would be almost a month since he was brought here. Good grief. How was Percy even still alive?

Red Blood stalked into the room, holding a metal crowbar in his hand.

Percy gulped. He guessed what that was for.

"Hello, Percy." Red Blood greeted, stopping in front of Percy to look over him. "I'm sorry for what you've gone through. But it helps us know what works for us and what doesn't. I decided to spend time with you, see if this works."
Red Blood struck Percy's face with the crowbar, sending a bolt of pain through his jawbone.

"Did it hurt?"
Red Blood hit Percy's face again.

"Backhand." Red Blood backhanded Percy's face. "Forward."
Percy was hit again. Blood already trickled from his lips and nose.

Gently, Red Blood lifted Percy's chin.

"The hero of Olympus, dying, broken before me. Oh yes. Something most monsters would pay to see."
Red Blood hit Percy's ribs. He continued beating Percy with the crowbar, hitting his face, his chest, his stomach, ribs, back, shoulders, everywhere. His nose was broken. He probably had a concussion. Percy was throbbing in pain all over again. He screamed at first, but soon, it turned into grunts, his voice too tired to make much noise.

Red Blood finished with a good blow to Percy's cheek.

"Wow. You look pretty dang up bruised."
Percy tried to say something but his lungs seemed to struggle to get air.

"Yeah, don't worry. The last person we did this to didn't die from this at all. They died from a gun I shot them with. If your a demigod and they were mortal, you'll be just fine."
Red Blood walked towards the door.

"We're going to have fun from now on. I can't wait to see the terror in your eyes for what we do to you next."
The door shut. 

Percy Jackson KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now