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Annabeth choked down a sob at the sight of him when she, Reyna, and Frank, broke into the room. Reyna took out the guard with her knife, who collapsed, revealing his beaten body. Percy's face was bruised and covered in scars. His black hair was cut unevenly.

"Oh, Percy," she muttered, rushing to his side. "What have they done to you?"

He didn't reply. Annabeth shook him but he was unconscious, still alive, but unresponsive.

Annabeth kissed his scarred lips.

She looked at him, at nails pinning him down, a missing arm and eye. At the ribs shown underneath his skin from lack of food.

"I'm getting you out of here," Annabeth promised his motionless body. "Reyna, help me get these."

Annabeth tugged on a nail, but she ripped into Percy's flesh.

"Here." Reyna grabbed one of the hammers on the shelf, using the end to pull the nails out of Percy's limbs.

Frank put a hand to his mouth like he was about to throw up.

"I'm going to check the halls."

Frank left the room. Annabeth wanted to run too for the sake of her stomach, but she knew she couldn't.

The moment he was free, Percy fell face-first out of the chair, unmoving.

"Percy!" Annabeth knelt, kissing his cheek as she tried to get him up with little success.

"We need to go. I hear footsteps." Reyna warned, tapping her earpiece. "We have him. Frank, you'll have to carry him. Come back in."

"Oh gods, Percy, I should have come sooner." Annabeth sobbed.

"It's not your fault," Reyna said,

Annabeth's heart seemed to twist with pain. The scars were everywhere. Now that she got a look at his back, there were millions of stripes, burns, black soot.

Annabeth ripped off the bag on her shoulders, pulling out ambrosia and nectar.

"Eat this, Percy. It'll help."
Annabeth force-fed him the godly food, but it seemed to do no effect on his pale face. A guard walked in, but Frank shot him without hesitation as he came back in.

He knelt, scooping up Percy bridal style.

"I got him. The halls are clear right now. Most of the guards are dead or fighting Leo's machines outside."

"We'll guard you. Come on." Annabeth told him as Reyna rushed them out of the door.

They made it to the exit, points for that. Of course, that's where this guy named Silver met us. He grinned, pointing two guns our way.

"You have something that belongs to me."

"Excuse me?" Annabeth demanded, shielding Percy and Frank with her body. "You own nothing."

"Your friend has our symbol burned into his skin. He belongs to us permanently. Percy Jackson belongs to Order 7."

Rage burned through her blood. This man took her Seaweed Brain from her. This man tortured her friend to the edge of death. Controlling the urge to murder Silver ruthlessly, Annabeth drew her knife, gripping it until her knuckles turned white.

"What are you going to do?" Silver taunted as a guard came around the corner, pulling out a knife.

"Watch me," Annabeth growled, blocking a blow from the guard.

He tried to stab her torso but Annabeth anticipated the attack. She grabbed his wrist, twisting his arm behind his back before stabbing him in the neck.

A few feet closer to Silver, Annabeth walked slowly towards him, like a wolf sneaking up on its prey.

"This is going to be interesting." Silver grinned, dropping his guns and pulling out a wicked-looking dagger, the length of his forearm.

He swung at her head, but Annabeth ducked, twirling out of reach before slashing downward. Blocking her strike, Silver stabbed her in the side, sending a bolt of pain through her body, knocking Annabeth off balance.

"No!" Frank shouted.

"Annabeth!" Reyna yelled, starting to approach but stopping as three guards surrounded them, guns pointed. Annabeth was on her own. Red crimson spilled from her wound, but there was no time examine the damage. As he approached for the kill, Annabeth kicked him hard in the thigh.

Crying out in pain, Silver backed away from her. Launching herself back unto her feet, Annabeth let anger take over. Adrenaline seeped through her veins, blocking out the pain from her wound. Letting out a cry of rage, she attacked without mercy, making her mark on his wrist.

Silver fell to his knees, eyes wide as he stared at the blood pumping out from what used to be his right hand. His dagger clattered against the bloody ground.

"Annabeth!" Reyna cried, but Annabeth didn't listen.

This man deserved a painful, slow death for what he did to Percy. Holding his arm against his chest, Silver backed away from her as she got close.

"No, please, I beg of you, Annabeth, don't."

"Your plea means nothing to me," Annabeth growled, feeling power tingle through her body at his helplessness, his pain.

"How does it feel?" She whispered. "To feel the same pain Percy felt?"

"You won't win. Red Blood will..."

Annabeth stabbed her knife downward, straight into Silver's heart. It wasn't until his life died that Annabeth stood, the anger subsiding.

Reyna approached with caution, the three guards dead on the ground, bullet wounds in their bodies. Realizing why she looked that way, Annabeth looked at the body of her victim, how she just showed the monstrous part of her. A side no one but Grover had seen before. Not even Percy.

Frank stared at her in shock and terror, Percy still hanging limb in his arms.

"I'm..." Annabeth sheathed her bloody dagger. "Come on."

Taking a step, she grimaced, holding her side, throbbing with pain.

"Take it easy!" Reyna snapped, guiding her to the door, Frank following with Percy.

Outside, Nico, Piper, and Hazel waited with four pegasi, including Black Jack. Annabeth climbed on Percy's Pegasus, Frank helping her hoist Percy up in the saddle. The black pegasus neighed, stomping his foot. Percy muttered softly in his sleep.

"Black Jack, go!" Annabeth commanded before Black Jack spread his wings, launching into the air with the others in pursuit.

Percy Jackson KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now