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Percy groaned. It had been three days. Blood poured from his body from a painful beating a couple of hours ago. He hung in the position he'd been stuck in this entire time. Pain flowed throw him, his back cried out in agony.

Tears fell down his face now that he was finally alone. What was going on? All that had happened was the constant beating of some sort, and a cup of water each night, with a slice of stale bread. Percy tried to pull free, but his wrists were now bruised and bloody from trying to break his chains. His legs trembled from holding his weight for so long. This whole situation, the pain, the terror, it was about to top Tartarus.

Percy wondered about Annabeth, how she must be devastated by his disappearance. His mom would be terrified for him. He had no idea if they knew where he was, but they most likely didn't. No one knew where he was. Percy didn't even know where he was.

Sometime later, the door opened. Red Blood and Silver walked in.

"Good afternoon, boy." Red Blood greeted, grinning under his mask. "I came to check on you before Silver took over. We're almost ready for you. In the meantime, one of my fellow scientists created an interesting serum."
Red Blood pulled out a needle, white liquid inside.

"I don't know for sure how much it does, but they assured me it doesn't kill. It's meant for prisoners, torture without the captor doing anything. That sounds exciting. It'll be super painful, don't worry. But I figured why not try it out on you? Tell me what you think afterward. Ready?"
Percy tried to fight back, but Silver punched him in the gut.

"Don't. It's useless anyway."
Red Blood injected the needle into Percy's ribcage.

Percy thought he knew pain. He'd been in the River Styx, he'd been poisoned, he'd been severely burned when he accidentally blew up Mt St Helens, he'd been through Tartarus for crying out loud. None of that was like what he felt the next ten minutes of his life. It was like flames were crawling across his skin. He felt as if his body was being struck by a thousand of Zeus's lightning bolts. Fire and electricity seemed to run through him, invisible swords seemed to tear through him, ripping out screams of pure pain and terror.

Percy couldn't speak, he twitched, trying to run but knowing he was stuck where he was. Percy cried out in so much pain, his body seemed to melt. It was worse than anything. Anything at all. When it died down, his body was aching so bad, Percy broke down sobbing in front of his captors.

Red Blood clapped.

"I'm giving Doctor Mirk a promotion. Seemed to have worked."
After the blurriness in his vision subsided, Percy watched Red Blood pull out a knife.

"Just a reminder of what you are, Percy. Don't worry."
Red Blood dug the blade about half an inch into Percy's chest, cutting a ring into Percy's skin, doing several more down his stomach. Blood flowed down his back and chest, sending a terrible sting through his body.

"It'll heal into scars, just for you to add to the scars you already have, Percy Jackson. I think I'll add one more. Seems like your face could use some makeover of some sort."

As if the blood running down his back and chest wasn't enough. Red Blood made a small, quarter-inch cut all the way across the top of Percy's forehead, blood running into his eyes and down his face.

"Beautiful! You look great now, Percy! You'll heal. Don't worry."
Unable to see due to the blood in his eyes, Percy didn't expect it till it happened. Water poured down him. Not just water. Saltwater. Water healed Percy. Not this time. It stung, washing the blood off his face, but hurting like crazy.

"Silver, you're up." Red Blood left the room, leaving Silver and Percy alone.

Silver inspected Percy like a hanging piece of meat.

"I'll let you heal a little before going on to another torture you're going to love so much, Percy."

Percy was left alone as Silver shut the door, locking it from the outside.

Another two days went by. Percy was miserable. He hadn't seen anyone in that timespan, not even Silver. His stomach rumbled for food. His mouth is thirsty for water. His body screaming in constant pain despite healing up after the whole knife and whipping ordeal. Not to mention, Percy was starting to feel himself getting sick. Probably from the lack of nutrients he had.

The door opened and two Order Seven guards walked in, uncuffing Percy's wrists.

Percy should have run, done something out of an escape attempt. But his body was so weak that Percy faceplanted on the ground immediately.

The cuffs around his ankles were removed. One guard pulled Percy to his feet by grabbing a fistful of hair.

The other handcuffed Percy's hands behind his back.

He was led into the hallway. Percy's legs wobbled so bad from not walking earlier that he kept slagging, resulting in getting hit.

They entered a room completely painted white, with a simple metal bed with built-in cuffs in the middle.

His cuffs were removed again.

"Lie down." One ordered, shoving Percy forward.

Percy climbed on the bed, too tired to fight as they tied him back down. If anything, it felt great to lie down.

Silver came in, leaning over him.

"It's time, Percy Jackson. See you soon."

A needle was stabbed into his arm, and Percy lost consciousness before he could think.

Percy Jackson KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now