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Percy didn't know how long he had been unconscious but he drifted out of sleep. He was lying in a different room, still on the metal bed. The only problem, there were explosions outside.

Looking down, Percy realized he was not strapped down to the table. He didn't feel different from whatever they did to him. Just tired, exhausted, starving, and in pain.

He heard voices, running outside. A guard came into the room.

Percy was pulled to his feet, and forced to run down the hall, the guard not even bothering to cuff him.

They went outside for the first time since he'd been abducted. A black car awaited as planes hovered above, bombing the building.

The guard, obviously more distracted by the attack than Percy, forced him into the shotgun seat, leaving the door wide open before turning and firing at soldiers probably from a different gang.

Percy was alone in the car. He glanced at the woods in front of him. It was his only shot. Before he jumped out, Percy noticed drachmas mixed with the spare change in the cupholder.

"Thanks, dad." Percy sighed, taking some, getting out of the car, and dashing into the woods. He heard yells for him to come back, but Percy, ignoring the hurt all over his body, sprinted through the woods, trying to find a safe place to Iris message. He knew it was his best shot. After about fifteen minutes, Percy looked behind him. No one was there. He kept going until he was behind a strange wooden shed, just sitting there, obviously unused for years. Thanks to the forest mist, Percy already had a rainbow. He hid behind it, throwing the coin into the misty rainbow.

"Oh, Iris, goddess of rainbows, show me Annabeth Chase."
The air shimmered to show surprising looks from Annabeth, Reyna, Jason, Leo, Hazel, and Piper.

"Percy?" Annabeth cried, coming closer, shoving Leo out of the way.

"Keep your voice down. It's me."
" look bad. What have they done to you? What are those markings?" Annabeth cried, Reyna holding her hand in comfort.

"I...I was taken. I don't know where they took me. They branded me. Oh, Annabeth," Percy felt himself begin to cry. "I'm so scared. Terrified. Pain. Constant pain. I've missed you so much. I'm so scared. I don't know where to go, how to get home. I ran away just now."
"Oh, Percy," Annabeth replied. "We'll find you. Just run away as far as possible and we'll find you. Please. Stay safe."
"I'm trying..."
Percy didn't realize it, but a shadow fell over him. Annabeth pointed.


Percy felt a whip hit his back, and he was kicked in the back of the neck, Percy fell face first into the ground.

Annabeth screamed for the people to leave him alone. But they ignored it.
"Don't slash it away." Silver's voice said above. "Let them get a taste of what we do to him."
A boot kicked Percy's calf. Hands pulled him up, Percy tried to wretch free, but Silver punched him in the gut. Percy barrelled over.
"We were getting along so well, Percy Jackson. Then we get one invasion, and you run off like a madman. Did you really think you could run? We'll punish you severely back in your lovely cell. Don't think this is over."
He turned to the iris message.

"Don't come looking for us, or your friend will die."
Silver slashed through the message before facing Percy again.

"You should have waited in the car like you were told."

Once back in the cell, Silver slammed Percy into the ground, on his stomach, chaining his ankles but leaving his hands free.

"Lie down, or this will be so much worse." Silver growled, whipping Percy a few times before coming over to his right side, kneeling.

"This is your punishment, Percy. This is what we do when you disobey."
Silver pulled Percy up and pressed his back against the wall. He raised Percy's arm, pinning it in an uncomfortable position. A guard came over, positioning a giant nail over the top of Percy's wrist.

Percy's eyes widened and he screamed as the nail was driven into his flesh, nailing his arm to the wall. They did the same to his other wrist.

"Hurt?" Silver asked. "Good. There's more to come, don't worry."

guard knelt, nailing both of Percy's feet to the ground. Percy couldn't stop screaming in unbearable pain. Two more nails were driven above the shackles in his ankles, pinning his legs to the wall as well. He felt two more get driven into his calves. Then the knee caps, followed by his thighs. Pain washed everything red, and Percy almost blacked out. He struggled to breathe, to move. His heart sank as the guard positioned another nail at Percy's forearm, making a row of nails in his left arm, finishing with a nail stuck through his shoulder blade. He did the same for his right arm, blood gushing from the nine holes in each of his arms. Yes. Nine nails.
"Please stop," Percy begged.

"Oh, asking us to stop are you, Jackson? Now we have to do even more."
Silver snapped his fingers and the guard drove two nails into each of Percy's palms. He pulled out smaller nails and nailed the tips of Percy's fingers to the wall.

He tried to count. Eleven big nails, five small nails for just one arm. Five big nails in his legs. And of course, the guard nailed the smaller nails into his toes.

"You won't die, Percy. Don't worry. You'll just be close to it." Silver punched Percy in the face, hard.

"Don't ever try to run. Don't try to contact your friends. Or this will be much better than what happens later."
Percy tried to focus, but his vision was blurry, tears of misery fell down his face.

Silver grabbed Percy by the chin, digging his fingers hard into Percy's jawbone.

"People can last up to three days in this position. Sometimes weeks. See you then, Percy." Silver slapped Percy in the face before leaving, the guard following. Once the door was closed, Percy broke down sobbing. The pain wouldn't leave him. It was beyond anything he'd ever felt. Blood made puddles on the floor. Percy cried out in so much agony. He should have paid attention to his surroundings when in those woods. Percy tried to pull free of the nails, but they weren't the normal Home Depot ones. They were these heavy, metal ones.

A few hours later, a guard came in, holding a screw gun and a metal semicircle. Percy was terrified of what that was for, but the guard screwed it behind Percy's neck, forcing him to lean forward painfully, tearing some of the nails in his skin, spraying more blood. When the guard pushed Percy's head back, he took the circle of the semicircle, and locked it around Percy's neck, trapping him even if he could break free of the nails in his limbs.

That was it. The guard left after locking Percy up in an even more painful position. That was it. Percy just hung there, completely helpless and in constant pain before blacking out.

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