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The Romans arrived just in time for dinner. It was a great reunion. Percy hugged Frank, Hazel, and Reyna, glad to see the familiar faces again.

There was an intense capture the flag game. Percy was against Annabeth's team, but his team had Reyna, and the Ares/Mars kids. They still lost considering Athena's kids were on the other team, but it was still fun.
After a campfire of smores, songs, and stories, everyone headed to bed. The Romans who didn't have a cabin went to the field where tent cabins were set up. The others joined cabins with the Greek side of their godly parents. But of course, Percy was alone.

He said goodnight to Annabeth, opening his door, noticing a paper folded on top of his pillow. It read,

Meet me at Thalia's pine tree at midnight. You'll love what I'm going to show you! -Annabeth.

Percy should have read the warning signs. He should have noticed the careful handwriting wasn't exactly how Annabeth writes. It was close, so he didn't think otherwise. But still. Percy didn't think of anything going wrong.

He lay in his bed not bothering to change. A bad feeling crept over him, like something bad was going to happen. But what would? It was Annabeth. She asked him.

At 11:55, Percy crept out of his cabin, looking for the harpies which were nowhere in sight. Good.

He ran to the hill, noticing Annabeth at the top, sitting with her back turned to him. She wore a hat, blocking the blonde hair from showing.

Percy approached.

"Annabeth, what's up?"

She shrugged.

"Race you."

It was Annabeth's voice. It had to be. She raced down towards the road. Percy rolled his eyes before following. She did this once during fall break, racing him to an unknown place where they watched the city lights of New York City for hours.

Percy didn't notice she had stopped at the road, and he ran into her. She turned fast, grabbing his arms. That's when he noticed things were wrong. It wasn't Annabeth. A mask, covering a man's face seemed to grin at him.

"Hello, Percy Jackson."
Percy opened his mouth to yell, but a hand came from behind, covering his mouth and pinning his arms to his side.

"Now, now, don't scream, or your girlfriend will wake up in the morning with a stray bullet in her head."

Percy went quiet but he tried to struggle free.

The person behind him didn't even budge. Three figures approached, all wearing the same thing: Black clothes and masks. One held cuffs, which he used to bind Percy's hands behind his back.

"You won't be needing this where you're going." The second man laughed, yanking the camp bead necklace off of Percy's neck, throwing it on the ground. He attached a metal collar around Percy's neck, connecting a chain between the collar and cuffs. The third chained his feet together, tight. The man in front of him ripped off Percy's shirt, leaving his chest bare.

Percy's heart krept into his throat. He tried to sense water around him, but the man in front of him injected a needle into his chest, sending a cold feeling through his body.

"That eliminates what you were planning, Jackson. There will be no powers for you to have while you are my captive. That would be a shame."
A black car pulled up to the side of the road, another guy getting out and opening the trunk.

"Put him in quietly. Let's go before someone hears, or the first watch of the night begins."

Percy tried to break free of the metal digging into his skin, but the man in front of him slapped him in the side of the head.

Percy Jackson KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now