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"I don't know why he hasn't woken up yet, it's been three days since we took him off sedation meds."

"Be patient. He'll wake up when his brain decides to do so. Give the dude time. How is he though?"

"His blood pressure is normal for one sleeping, the holes are slowly mending, and his heart is continuing to pump more blood to replace what he lost."

"Get that mechanic eye installed?"

"Yes, give Leo our thanks."

Percy woke with a start, looking around the familiar infirmary room, shocked to find himself there. He had no memory of leaving Order 7. No recalling an escape.

There were two people talking right of the room, he could hear that conversation.

"Let me get the feeding tube set up so he gets nutrients and I'll go to cabin activities."

"Don't be too long, Katie."

"It shouldn't be more than twenty minutes."

A door closed and Percy recognized Katie, daughter of Apollo come to his bedside, taking something off the wall and connecting it to tubes.

"Don't worry, big guy. It won't hurt." She said in a soothing, gentle tone.

Katie finally looked down at him, stopping short and yelping in surprise as they made eye contact.

"Percy! Thank gods! You're awake!"


"It's alright. You're safe now."

"Where's Annabeth?"

"She's eating breakfast with her cabin. Don't worry. You'll see her in a few minutes."

Percy tried to sit up but a thousand volts of pain shot through him.

Katie put a gentle hand on his shoulder, holding him down.

"Don't. You'll rip out your stitches."

"I can't sit up?"

"You can, just not like that."

Katie pressed a button on the side of the bedpost, the top half slowly lifting Percy to a leaned back sitting position. Katie quickly rearranged the pillow underneath to keep his head comfortable.

Percy looked down at the sheets over a bruised-up body. His chest was healing, but there were lots of ugly scars. One arm was wrapped in several bandages. The other...wait. He wasn't supposed to have two arms. Katie seems to know what he was thinking.

"Leo made you a mechanical arm while you were asleep."

Katie opened a panel on his forearm, revealing wires and machinery inside.

Percy moved the fingers, the hand, moving his arm up and down.

"Wow. Leo did this for me?"

Katie nodded.

"Yup. He made an eye too, but it doesn't give you your sight back. Just so you don't have to wear a patch."

Katie grabbed a mirror, holding it up for Percy to see.

It was like there were two eyes, but Percy could only see out one side. The new eye matched the other, sea green. Percy never knew Leo was capable of making things like that. Or an arm he could actually move.

"How long have I been here? What happened? How'd you find me?"

Katie explained how they tracked him down both times using Nico's power. Percy was almost surprised that the son of Hades could do something incredible like that. But it made him question what else did Nico teach himself?

"Annabeth got you out with help from Reyna and Frank. Silver is dead, along with the building itself. You were brought here."

A lot to process there big time.

"How long has it been?"

"About five weeks."

"That long?"

"Well, we put you under sedation so your body had a chance to mend itself without causing more pain than you already had. We took you off the meds three days ago."

"Oh. Thanks, Katie. For everything."

"No problem. I'm the camp doctor now. It's my job to take care of you. Now, if you're up to it, can you explain everything that happened?"

Percy thought for a second. Yes, he wanted to tell someone, but did he really want to relive all of it again?

"I can get someone else to listen as well. Would that be easier?"

Percy nodded.

"Can...can you get Annabeth and Leo? Or Chiron?"

Why Leo? Cause he listens despite joking around a lot. He understands heartache more than most. Plus, he had become a good friend to Percy over the last year, a guy Percy could talk to about any trauma he had from Tartarus.

Katie smiled slightly.

"Of course. I'll get them. Although, Chiron is training new students today with Jason."

Katie got up and left. Percy looked around. It wasn't right. He was alone again. What if...Percy looked down at his body, cuffs chained to his wrists. He felt the whip hit his back, he heard Silver mock him from behind. Percy forced himself to move, get up, run. He pulled at the chains, breaking free before sliding off the mattress. As soon as his feet held his weight, Percy almost collapsed, but he grabbed the bedpost, forcing himself to get up, to run from Silver's voice.

As Percy got to the doorway, Red Blood entered, a crowbar raised to strike. Percy fell to the ground, crawling back.

"No, please!"

"Percy, calm down!"

Percy blinked to find Leo and Annabeth leaning over him. Annabeth held him, holding his hand.

"It's okay, Percy. You're okay." Annabeth soothed, rocking him gently back and forth like a baby.

Percy stared in terror, breathing hard, listening for Silver but hearing nothing but Annabeth and Leo's words of worry for him.

"Let's get him back up," Leo suggested. "Percy, we're going to help you up, alright?"

Leo grabbed his arm, putting a hand behind his back for support, Annabeth doing the same.

Percy gritted his teeth as he was up on his feet again. His friends helped him back in the bed, Leo fixing the pillows while Annabeth pulled the sheets back over him.

She sat down on the edge of the mattress, hugging Percy gently as he held on tight, trembling from what he imagined.

Percy Jackson KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now