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Lavalee's POV

"You won't believe what just happened today." I told Jace after I stormed into his office

"Hmm... What?" he asked

"It's already the last day before their semesteral break but Avellaneda and Axel were sent to the Principal's office!" I exclaimed

Celine Avellaneda is our eldest who's fourteen years of age and is currently in ninth grade, while Blaze Axel our first son is only nine and in the fourth grade. The two of them are always in trouble, sometimes I wonder where they got it.

"What for?" He asked again

"Avellaneda punched a twelfth grade student in the face!" I said

"And Axel?" he asked

"He's no different. Axel punched a ninth grade student." I replied and massaged my temple

"How about Azel?" he asked and I glared at him

"What? I'm just asking about his school." He said and chuckled

Red Azelrian, our youngest who's four years old, so far he's the most behaved of our three children.

"Azelrian is doing great at school. He's not involved in any trouble fortunately." I replied

"I'll call the two." He said and went out

A little later, Avellaneda and Axel went in both wearing an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, Mom." They both immediately said

"Ave, Axe, why did you punch your schoolmates?" Jace asked

"He's a jerk." I face palmed at their reply

"Avellaneda. Axel." I called them sternly

"Mom, it's the truth." Avellaneda reasoned out

"Explain what happened, Ave." Jace said calmly

"You see, Dad, earlier at school, I was having lunch alone since my friends are busy when that jerk –" I cut her off

"Avellaneda." I warned

"Fine. I was having lunch alone when that twelfth grade guy placed his tray on my table then his friends surrounded me, he asked me if I'm willing to be his girlfriend and tried to touch my arm when I stood up and told him I'm not interested so I punched him in the face." Avellaneda answered flatly

"It's his fault, I declined he still tried to force me. He's lucky I didn't kick his balls." She added and rolled her eyes

"I see. Did you explain that to the principal?" Jace asked

"Of course! But she didn't believe me because apparently the guy I punched is their batch's so-called heartthrob like he is even handsome. Yuck!" Avellaneda answered

"Watch your attitude, Ave, you're talking to your Dad." I warned her

"How about you, Axel?" Jace asked

"I punched the guy because he said he would be my brother in law." Axel replied

We both looked at Avellaneda who's brows are knitted

"I'm innocent. And, Axe, you did right – Avellaneda." I cut her off from what she's telling her brother

"Look, Mom, Dad, I really didn't know that being hotter and cooler than your names have these disadvantages." She said and smiled innocently

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