Heiress 71: Too Advanced

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Heiress 71

Chelsea's POV


Dead silence enveloped us. I don't know how it lead to this, I remember that yesterday, I woke up early because Lavalee called, I helped assure Irene and now this. How in the world did it end up like this?

I remember that yesterday morning, after waking up again I was planning on how to tell Ethan while we're on our Saturday date about me and who I really am when he called to say that he was suddenly needed in the precinct so our date was cancelled.

So, I spent the whole day planning about telling him the truth when I received an e-mail on the email I used for academic purposes from an unknown sender. I tried hacking where it came from but I was shocked when I realized what was in the picture. It was Ethan and a woman was talking to him inside a cafe, at first I didn't pay any attention and thought that it's just someone who wants us to break but then I realized who the woman is.

One of the lower council's secretary. Panic flooded through my system when I thought that maybe the woman told Ethan about my identity so I went out of the mansion and drove to Ethan's precinct.

When I arrived the precinct, I went in and asked for him when one of the officers answered that Ethan left with a woman and went to the nearby cafe. I went to the nearby cafe and it was easy to see where Ethan and that woman were seated.

"Totoo ba?" that was what Ethan asked me when he saw me

"Huh? What are you... saying?" I asked acting confused

I don't want to react defensively because the woman might be shooting in the dark and is just waiting for me to slip and confirm his suspicion or whatever she told him.

"Hindi ko inakala na ganoon ka palang klase ng tao." He said and looked at me in disbelief

"What are you saying, Ethan?" I asked him confusedly

"It's game over, Themis, he knows it already." The woman said confirming what I've speculated

She revealed my identity with Ethan.

"Knows what? And who is Themis?" I still continued to act as if I didn't know

"Pwede ba, Chelsea, tumigil ka na sa pagpapanggap, alam ko na." Ethan said and I didn't know but I suddenly felt like my heart is shot.

"Ethan, I don't – " he left before I finished what I was saying

After he left, I looked at the woman who's smiling evilly at me.

I approached her and looked at her blankly.

"Pray that we'll fix this or else," I said and held her shoulder

"You're dead." I whispered menacingly and I felt her still

She must've forgotten that I am also an assassin.

I went out and tried to confront Ethan but he kept on avoiding me so I left. I went back home and waited for his call but night time came and there wasn't a single call nor text from him.

Tito Conan then called to ask me if I can track Franco's whereabouts since they can't contact him the whole day and Tita Francine's already worried. So I did, I traced his location and found him at a bar, he's still a little sober when I arrived.

"You're not the type of person who'd come here." Franco said when I approached him

"Says the one who's suppose to be at home by now." I scoffed and drank a glass of margarita

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